Beakers and Accessories

Duran™ Becher basso in vetro con beccuccio

In vetro borosilicato. Becher di vetro bassi Duran™ con beccuccio, con codice di tracciabilità e contrassegni. BEAKER DURAN BASSO 10 L

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Fisherbrand™ Becher basso in vetro borosilicato con beccuccio

In vetro borosilicato. I becher Fisherbrand™ a fondo piatto sono graduati e disponibili in numerosi formati. X10 800mL Becher forma bassa con becco, vetro borosilicato 3.3, graduati, ISO 3819 DIN 12331

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Fisherbrand™ Glass Beaker without Lid

Provides for safe and secure storage in the laboratory. Fisherbrand™ Glass Beaker without Lid is an excellent solution for storing ultrasonic cleaner fluid.

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Fisherbrand™ Becher alto in vetro borosilicato

Con graduazioni e beccuccio per facilità di travaso. Il becher alto in vetro borosilicato Fisherbrand™ è disponibile in numerosi formati. BEAKER ALTO 5000 ML FISHERBRAND

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Brand™ Becher graduato in polipropilene

Manufactured from polypropylene. BRAND™ Graduated Beakers with Handle, Blue Scale include an ergonomic handle for secure grip. Functional spout helps to minimize spills. Cleaning up to max. 60°C is recommended to preserve marks and inscriptions. Autoclaving (121°C) is not recommended. X12 GRAD. BEAKER PP 500:10 ML BLUE SC.HANDLE

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Becher di Griffin bassi Pyrex™

Per la misurazione di liquidi su banco o piastra riscaldante senza temere eventuali attacchi da agenti chimici. Becher di Griffin bassi  PyrexTM in diversi formati, con graduazioni e marcatura bianche. Beaker squat form with graduations and spout borosilicate glass ISO 3819 10L

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Duran™ High Form Glass Beakers

In vetro borosilicato. I becher DURAN™ in vetro senza beccuccio sono alti e privi di graduazioni. X10 BEAKER DURAN ALTO 400ML

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PYREX™ Griffin Beakers

Offers optimum balance between thermal shock resistance and mechanical strength X12 1000 Griffin Low-Form Beaker, 20ml

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Brand™ Graduated Beakers with Handle, Embossed Scale

In polipropilene. I becher graduati con manico e scala in rilievo BRAND™ includono un manico ergonomico per una presa sicura. Il beccuccio funzionale consente di ridurre al minimo le fuoriuscite. La scala in rilievo non si deteriora con l'autoclavaggio. Autoclavabili a 121 °C. X6 GRAD. BEAKER PP 5000:100 ML EM.SC.HANDLE

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Bel-Art™ Caraffe graduate in polipropilene SP Scienceware™

In polipropilene traslucido. Le caraffe graduate SP Scienceware™ in polipropilene sono ideali per l'uso generico in laboratorio e sono dotate di beccucci di ottimo design e ampi manici. Measuring jug with moulded graduations, spout andlarge handles polypropylene 275mm height 187mm

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Duran™ Becher in vetro alti con beccuccio

In vetro borosilicato. I becher DURAN™ in vetro senza beccuccio sono alti e privi di graduazioni. X10 BEAKER DURAN ALTO 150 MLFORMA ALTA 150ML,10PZ

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Cole-Parmer™ Contenitore con coperchio in acciaio inox

Use these versatile containers for a variety of applications. Stainless Steel Covered Containers are ideal for general storage. Keep dirt and other contaminants out with included lid. RECIPIENTE INOX 7,6L CON COPERCHIO

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Fisherbrand™ Becher con profilo basso in vetro borosilicato con beccuccio per applicazioni gravose

Con pareti spesse per una maggiore resistenza meccanica. I becher a basso profilo per impieghi pesanti Fisherbrand™ sono realizzati in vetro borosilicato pieno 3.3 e hanno un beccuccio per facili travasi. X10 400mL Becher resistenti, forma bassa con becco , vetro borosilicato 3.3, graduati

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Becher di Griffin PYREX™ per impieghi gravosi

Per la misurazione di liquidi con robusto vetro rinforzato di lunga durata. I becher Griffin per applicazioni gravose in vetro borosilicato  Pyrex™ sono disponibili in diversi formati  X6 BEAKER,GLASS,SQUAT,HEAVY DUTY 600ML (1003-600)

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Low-Form Polypropylene Beakers with Blue Printed Scale


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Kartell™ Becher basso

Realizzati in polipropilene altamente traslucido per garantire durata, trasparenza e ottima resistenza chimica. I becher bassi di classe B in polipropilene autoclavabili Kartell™ forniscono una soluzione economica e sicura per l'agitazione, la miscelazione e l'erogazione di liquidi in laboratorio. X16 BEAKER PP BASSO 250ML GRADUAT

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Fisherbrand™ Becher con beccuccio in PTFE

Base lavorata inclusa per un buon trasferimento del calore. Il becher in PTFE include un beccuccio integrato per facilitare il versamento. BEAKER PTFE 50ML PARETE 2MM

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Cole-Parmer™ Becher in acciaio inox

Use these beakers for a variety of applications and. Cole-Parmer™ Stainless Steel Beakers are ideal for general stirring or measuring of solutions. Beakers feature recessed covers for easy storage. BEAKER INOX 7,5L

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Fisherbrand™ Glass Beaker without Lid

Provides for safe and secure storage in the laboratory. Fisherbrand™ Glass Beaker without Lid is an excellent solution for storing ultrasonic cleaner fluid.

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Duran™ Becher in vetro per filtraggio con parete spessa con beccuccio

Manufactured of borosilicate glass. Duran™ Heavy Wall Filtering Glass Beakers With Spout feature heavy walls with graduation. X10 BEAKER DURAN SPESSO 150 ML

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Saint-Gobain Chemware™ PTFE Griffin Beakers

Noncontaminating and inert to highly corrosive reagents such as hydrofluoric acid CHEMWARE BEAKER,PTFE CAPACITY 400ML

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Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Griffin Low-Form PFA Plastic Beakers

Handle temperatures from -270° to +250°C using sturdy and tough Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Griffin Low-Form PFA Beakers, ideal for continual lab usage. BEAKER TEFLON PFA 1000ML

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Alfa Aesar™ Glassy Carbon Beaker

Glassy carbon offers high purity, corrosion resistance, thermal stability and a structure impermeable to both gases and liquids. Glassy Carbon Beaker,Vol (ml), 400,Dia (mm), 90,Ht (mm), 86 1each

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Cole-Parmer™ Becher di Griffin in acciaio inox

Use these beakers for a variety of applications. Cole-Parmer™ Stainless Steel Griffin-Style Beakers are ideal for general stirring or measuring of solutions. Beakers feature an easy-pour rim for fewer spills. BEAKER INOX 2L A BORDO VERSATORE

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Fisherbrand™ Stainless Steel Jug Graduated with Hinged Lid

Get optimium cleaning and sterilizing results with less effort. Suitable for pharmaceutical and laboratory applications, Fisherbrand™ Stainless Steel Jug Graduated with Hinged Lid, is the material of choice for applications requiring sterile surfaces. Pour easier with this durable, spouted, 304 spec stainless steel seamless jug. All surfaces are non-reacting, highly polished, and offer zero absorption making cleaning easier. 500ml S/Steel Jug Graduated with hinged lid

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Fisherbrand™ PTFE Thermotech Beaker

Pure PTFE body. Fisherbrand™ PTFE Thermotech Beaker features a specially formulated stablilizing PTFE carbon base as a single moulding. BEAKER PTFE 100ML FONDO SPECIALE

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Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ PMP Griffin Low-Form Plastic Beakers

Continuously use Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ PMP Griffin Low-Form Beakers at temperatures of 150°C with intermittent service to 175°C. X12 BEAKER GRADUATO PMP 100ML

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Corning™ Graduated Disposable Polypropylene Beakers

Manufactured from polypropylene for excellent chemical resistance. Corning™ Graduated Disposable Polypropylene Beakers serve as a beaker or storage container. X500 REC. PP 250ML GRAD. APER. S

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