Apparecchiature per dissezione
Ansa di inoculazione monouso
Manufactured from polystyrene for strength and flexibility. Microspec™ Disposable Inoculation Loops are ideal for the cultivation of microbes on plates by transferring inoculum for streaking and to transfer microscopic organisms. X1000 Loop microbiological inoculatoing highimpact polystyrene sterile 10µL (pack of 1000)inne
Brand™ Ansa di inoculazione in polistirene
- Realizzata in polistirene.
- Per inoculazione di terreni nutritivi.
- Disponibile con anello su un'estremità e ago sull'altra o anelli su entrambe le estremità.
- L'elevata flessibilità consente uno sfregamento delicato senza danneggiare la superficie del nutriente.
- Sterilizzazione con raggi y.
Microspec™ Nichrome Wire Loops
Used for bacteriological, microbiological applications and flame tests. X25 Nichrome Wire Loops 5ul
Copan Italia™ Ansa di inoculazione monouso
Use Copan Italia™ Disposable Inoculation Loops for research and laboratory needs. The versatile inoculation loop is made of rigid plastic, and is calibrated and sterile. X4000 STERILE 10µL HARD LOOPS
Pro-Lab Diagnostics™ Ansa di inoculazione sterile
Per inoculazione con anse metalliche in nichelcromo. Le anse sterili per inoculazione Prolab Diagnostics™ fanno parte di una gamma completa di strumenti per inoculazione, incluse le anse metalliche in nichelcromo tradizionali calibrate, con un'ampia scelta di contenitori isolati. X25 ANSA NICHEL-CROMATO 10 µL
Greiner Bio-One™ Ansa di inoculazione per la semplificazione delle procedure di raccolta e inoculazione
In polistirene, per garantire resistenza e flessibilità. Le anse per inoculazione monouso Greiner Bio-One™ semplificano le procedure di raccolta e inoculazione. INOCULATEUR 10µL
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Blade Removal Instrument, Blade Remover
Safely remove blades from scalpels with the Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Blade Removal Instrument, crafted from stainless steel. Blade removal instrument
Rogo Sampaic™ Pinze Dumont nr. 5 in acciaio inox
Excellent for high-precision dissection work. Rogo Sampaic™ Dumont™ No. 5 Stainless Steel Forceps have pointed ends to allow manipulation of the finest, smallest materials. X10 DUMONT FORCEPS N°5 SHARP 113M
Bochem™ Ago per dissezione in acciaio inox 18/10
Per l'uso con porta aghi Bochem Kolle 12000. X10 ANSA INOX TIPO BISTURI
Thermo Scientific™ Coverglass Thumb Forceps, 4.75 in. (12.1cm)
Choose 4.75″ (12.1cm) coverglass thumb forceps for quality and precision. Forceps
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Straight Blunt/Sharp Dissecting Scissors
Le forbici da dissezione appuntite/a punta smussata Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ disponibili nelle versioni Premium e Standard sono garanzia di precisione e qualità. SHANDON DISSECTING SCISSORS, STANDARD 6.5 IN
Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Disposable Loops and Needles
Easily identify these color-coded disposable loops and needles, precision molded from nontoxic (USP Class VI) polystyrene material. ANSE PLASTICA 10ul BLU,4000PZ
Kartell™ Anse di inoculazione
Manufactured with high impact polystyrene for good dimensional stability. Kartell™ Inoculation Loops and Needles provide a two–in–one sterile disposable tool for inoculation. X400 inoculating loops PS 1 µl sterile white
Kartell™ Anse di inoculazione
Manufactured with high impact polystyrene for good dimensional stability. Kartell™ Inoculation Loops and Needles provide a two–in–one sterile disposable tool for inoculation. X8000 inoculating loops PS 10 µl sterile blue
Copan Italia™ Inoculation Loop
Hamilton™ Small Hub Removable Needle, Custom Length
Suitable for use with removable (RN)-style syringes thar are 100μL or smaller. Hamilton™ Small Hub Removable Needle, Custom Length is available in lengths between 0.375 and 12 inches. X6 RN NEEDLE (27/**/**)S
Hamilton™ Hubless Needle
X6 HUBLESS NDL (18/**/**)
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Neoprene Cork Dissecting Boards
Work on a durable, cut-resistant surface with these neoprene cork dissecting boards. Neoprene cork dissecting board, small
Alfa Aesar™ PTFE Tweezers-Forceps
Totally inert and non-contaminating PTFE Tweezers-Forceps, Sharp Tipped,Length (mm), 200 1each
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Dual Blade Manual Bone Saw
Easily cut a wide range of bones, including difficult femoral heads, with this dual blade manual bone saw. Blade,Coarse,For 1001797
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Post-Mortem Thread
Stitch with waxed polyester Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Post-Mortem Thread for quality and precision. Thread, Post Mortem, 4OZ x 300YD
Cole-Parmer™ Gilmont™ Stainless Steel 1/8 in. NPT Needle Valve Adapter
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Broad Point Dressing Thumb Forceps
Select a fine serrated tip ranging in size from 4.5 to 12 in. (11.4 to 30.5cm) on the Shandon™ Broad Point Dressing Thumb Forceps. Broad Point Dressing Thumb Forceps Premium
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Instrument Case
Available as a complete kit or case only, this instrument case has room for dissecting scissors, bone-cutters, forceps and other instruments. Case with Instruments
Cole Parmer™ Inoculating Loop, Platinum
Precisely manufactured platinum and iridium wire for transferring bacterial cultures. INOCULATING LOOP 2MM DIA
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Halstead’s Hemostatic Mosquito Curved Forceps, Curved, standard, 5 in. (12.7cm)
Choose 5″ (12.7cm) curved Halstead' s Hemostatic Mosquito Curved Forceps for quality and precision. FORCEPS, MOSQUITO, CURVE, 5 INCH
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Cartilage Straight Thumb Forceps, Straight, Standard, 5 in. (12.7cm)
Choose 5″ (12.7cm) cartilage thumb forceps with straight arms and fine points for quality and precision. SHANDON CARTILAGE THUMB FORCEPS STANDARD, 6.5IN
Bio Plas™ Astral™ Inoculation Device System
Economical, disposable inoculation system designed for safety and dependable sterility RHEODYNE 7000 INJECTOR
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Straight Sharp/Sharp Dissecting Scissors
Cut with Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Straight Sharp/Sharp Dissecting Scissors, available in Premium and Standard grades, for precision and quality. Scissors, Straight Sharp Sharp, 5.5in
Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Microdissecting Extra Fine Tip Thumb Forceps, Extra Fine Tips, curved, 4.5 in. (11.4cm)
Choose 4.5″ (11.4cm) microdissecting extra fine tip thumb forceps with extra fine tips and curved arms for quality and precision. Shandon Microdissecting Extra Fine Tip Thumb Forceps
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