Nucleic Acid Purification
Invitrogen™ PureLink™ PCR Micro Kit
Silica Spin Column 50 RXN PURELINK PCR MICRO KIT 50PREPS STORE ATambient shelf life 365 days
Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ DNA Typing Grade 50X TAE Buffer
Most commonly used buffer for agarose DNA electrophoresis 1 LT TAE BUFFER (50X), LIQUID IN PLASTIC CONTAINER, E-Z Hold(tm)
GE Healthcare illustra™ NAP™ Columns, NAP-25
Use for rapid and efficient purification of DNA and oligonucleotides (>10-mer) in less than 15 minutes by gravity flow. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ illustra™ NAP™ Columns are disposable columns prepacked with Sephadex™ G-25 DNA Grade X50 NAP-25 50 ST
Thermo Scientific™ Buffers for MagJET™ Viral Kit
40ML Lysis buffer for MagJET viral kit
MP Biomedicals™ FastPrep Accessories - Caps
Colored screw cap with o-ring GREEN CAPS 500 each
Invitrogen™ ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Mini Bacteria Kit
PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, cloning, Southern blotting, and sequencing downstream applications CST GDNA MINI BACTERIA KIT
MP Biomedicals™ FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil
Isolates DNA from cells present in soil or other environmental samples. MP Biomedicals™ FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil extracts DNA easily in a 2mL tube. 50PREP DNA PURIFICATION KIT (1KIT)
GE Healthcare illustra™ GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit
Amplify whole genomes with high efficiency and representation. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ illustra™ GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit provides whole genome amplification with yields of 4 to 7μg. ILLUSTRA GENOMIPHI V2 DNA AMPLIFICATION KIT 25reactions25reactions Store in freezer at -80C
Invitrogen™ ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Mini Tissue Kit
No need for hazardous chemicals, centrifugation, or vacuum manifolds CST GDNA MINI TISSUE KIT
Merck™ Replacement Solutions for Montage™ SEQ96 and SEQ384 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kits
provide efficient, centrifugation-free sequencing reaction cleanup in 96 and 384-well formats. 500ML INJECTION SOLUTION
GE Healthcare illustra™ RNAspin 96 RNA Isolation Kit
For fast and efficient purification in a 96-well format 384 RXN ILLUSTRA RNASPIN 96 KIT 96PREPS STORE ATambient
Applied Biosystems™ MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra Kit
Optimized to isolate genomic DNA (gDNA) from a variety of samples, such as whole blood, buccal cells, saliva, urine, blood cards, mouth rinse, and tissue 25UG MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra Kit (with extra proteinase K and DNA binding beads) (2500 preps)
MP Biomedicals™ Binding Matrix
Silica slurry that binds DNA from lysates for further purification BINDING MATRIX 66 ml
Invitrogen™ PureLink™ Genomic Elution Buffer
Allows highest DNA binding of any column method 160 ML PURELINK(TM) GENOMIC ELUTION BUFFER 160MLStore at room temp
MP Biomedicals™ Geneclean™ Turbo Kit, 100 Preps
For nucleic acid isolation and purification GENECLEAN® TURBO 100 preps
Invitrogen™ DNAzol™ Plant Reagent
Isolation of high quality genomic DNA from a variety of plant samples PLANT DNAZOL
GE Healthcare Nucleon™ PhytoPure™ Genomic DNA Extraction Kits
Nucleon PhytoPure DNA Extraction kits use a phytopure resin to bind plant polysaccharides ensuring high yields of high-quality plant genomic DNA in only one hour NUCLEON PHYTOPURE
Invitrogen™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit, 0.3-1mL
High sensitivity for archived or poorly stored blood samples GENECATCHER GDNA 0.3-1ML BLOOD KITThe GeneCatcher gDNA Blood Kits allow rapid and
GE Healthcare Whatman™ FTA™ Nucleic Acid Collection, Storage and Purification Cards: FTA Micro
Collect, stabilize, process, transport, and archive samples. X25 INDICATING FTA MICRO CARD
Invitrogen™ PureLink™ 384 Pre-Lysis Buffer
Up to 96 plasmid DNA samples can be simultaneously purified PURELINK 384 PRE-LYSIS BUFFER
GE Healthcare Whatman™ Indicating FTA Classic Cards
Lyses cells on contact, denatures proteins and protects DNA from degradation. Whatman™ Indicating FTA Classic Cards includes a pink dye that turns white when a clear sample is applied. X100 INDICATING FTA CLASSICCARD (PACK OF100) Store un-used FTA cards in a Cool Dry place
GE Healthcare illustra™ AutoSeq G-50 Columns
Use for rapid removal of unincorporated fluorescent dye-terminators from cycle sequencing reactions prior to automated sequencing. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ illustra™ AutoSeq G-50 Columns provide effective purification essential for high-quality sequencing results. X250 AUTOSEQ G-50 250 COLUMNS
GE Healthcare Nucleon™ BACC3 Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
Nucleon BACC DNA Extraction kits use a Nucleon resin to bind proteins ensuring high yields of high-quality, high molecular weight genomic DNA in only one hour NUCLEON BACC3
Extract All DNA Extract All Reagents Kit
Provides PCR-ready DNA from a wide variety of sample types, ranging from blood to buccal swabs to plant tissues, in 5 minutes 20 ML DNA EXTRACT ALL REAGENTS 20ML STORE AT 4°C
MP Biomedicals™ Geneclean™ Turbo Kit
Used for purification of DNA fragments of sizes 0.1 kb to 300 kb from agarose gels, PCR reactions and other enzymatic solutions. MP Biomedicals™ Geneclean™ Turbo Kit can be used in enzymatic reactions, conventional or automated sequencing, cloning and microarray analysis. GENECLEAN® TURBO 50 preps
Invitrogen™ S.N.A.P. ™ Plasmid DNA MidiPrep Kit
Procedure takes just 40 minutes SNAP MIDIPREP KIT 20 REACTIONS
Invitrogen PureLink Quick Plasmid Miniprep Kit
Contaminants are removed with Wash Buffer 0.12 LT PURELINK QUICK PLASMID MINIPREP KITSegregation: Clear of living quarters. Separated f
Thermo Scientific™ GeneJET™ Gel Extraction and DNA Cleanup Micro Kit
Perform rapid and efficient purification of DNA from PCR and enzymatic reaction mixtures and standard or low-melting point agarose gels with this kit. GENEJET DNA CLEANUP MICRO KIT
Invitrogen™ ChargeSwitch™-Pro PCR Clean-Up Kit
Complete kit for fast, hassle-free setup CHARGESWITCH PRO PCRThe ChargeSwitch®-Pro PCR Clean-up Kit purifies
GE Healthcare Whatman™ Non-indicating FTA Classic Cards
Lyses cells on contact, denatures proteins and protects DNA from degradation. Whatman™ Non-indicating FTA Classic Cards contain chemical denaturants and a free radical scavenger keeping DNA tightly bound while proteins and inhibitors are washed from the matrix. X100 FTA CLASSIC CARD (PACK OF 100) STOREun-used FTA cards in a Cool Dry place (avoid