Stir Bars and Rods

BRAND™ Octagonal Shape PTFE Magnetic Stirring Bars

PTFE construction. Angular surface creates high turbulence even at low speeds. X10 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE38x 10mm, octagonal, pivot ring

Kartell™ Oval Stirring Bars

Provide effective stirring of samples via magnetic manipulation x10 Oval Stirring Bar, PTFE coated, 35x16mm

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Egg-Shaped Spinbar™ Magnetic Stir Bars

Designed for use in round-bottom vessels Magnetic stir bar egg-shaped Teflon encased 50mmx 19mm Scienceware, 1/Cs, MA: TBD

BRAND™ PTFE Coated Steel Core Stirring Rods

Unique high-density PTFE coated polyethylene stirring rods with a steel core with rounds ends. Stirring rod, PTFE 400mm x 6mm, with steel core

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Polygon Spinbar™ Magnetic Stirring Bars without Pivot Ring

Adds turbulence relative to similar smooth size cylindrical bars. SP Scienceware™ Polygon Spinbar™ Magnetic Stirring Bars without Pivot Ring are manufactured in a registered ISO 9001:2008 facility. POLYGON 60X7/8MM OMRÖRARMAGNET

Fisherbrand™ Stir Bar Box Set, Oval

Guaranteed inert and leak-free. Fisherbrand™ Stir Bar Box Set, Oval is isostatically molded in pure, FDA-approved PTFE plastic. Fisherbrand Oval PTFE Stirr Bars Mix, 2 of each 10x5/15x6/25x10/30x10/35x13, 1 of each 50x17/70x27mm

Velp Scientifica™ Magnetic Stir Bars

Velp Scientifica™ Magnetic Stir Bars for use with Velp Scientifica™ Hotplate Stirrers. Magnetic cross shape stir bar, Ø20x8 mm

Kartell™ Magnetic Stirring Ball

Constructed of PTFE coated magnet for applications involving food. Kartell™ Magnetic Stirring Ball is ideal for test tubes or for eccentric stirring movements. X10 magnetic balls PTFE coated ø12mm

Thermo Scientific™ Komet Stir Bars

Generate over three times the torque of conventional stirring bars with Thermo Scientific™ Komet Stir Bars, significantly enhancing stirrer performance and versatility. STIRRER BAR H+P KOMET 90 MAGNETIC SAMARIUM-COBALT

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Spinbar Octagon Magnetic Stir Bar

Octagon magnetic stirring bars with integral pivot ring are the most commonly used shape Octagonal magnetic stir bar with pivot ring, red

Azlon™ Oval Stir Magnets

Azlon™ Oval Stir Magnets are resistant to virtually all chemicals and are supplied in polarity aligned packs to ensure maximum coupling strength. X2 STIR MAGNETS OVAL 10X5MM PTFE

Saint-Gobain Chemware™ Bendable PTFE Stirring Rods

Contain fully enclosed steel insert for stiffness, yet can be bent to various shapes for use as powered stirrers CHEMWARE STIRRING ROD,PTFE LENGTH 400MM

Kartell™ Slide Round Stirring Bar

The pivot ring reduces the contact surface and fosters optimal stir bar positioning X10 stirring bars PTFE coated with ring 20,5x6,5mm

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Spinplus™ Magnetic Stirring Bars

Spinplus™ magnetic stirring bars add speed and efficiency to mixing operations SPINPLUS,STIRRING BAR,TEFLON,3/8'

Fisherbrand™ Octagon Spinbar™ Magnetic Stirring Bars

Octagon magnetic stirring bars with integral pivot ring are the most commonly used shape for stirring small volumes in vessels such as vials, tubes and gradient makers. Spin bar magnetic stir bar, PTFE coated

Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Suspended Magnetic Stir Bars

Use Nalgene Floating Magnetic Stir Bars for constant low-speed stirring action in tissue culture applications. FLOATING STIR BAR 54X28MM

Corning™ PTFE-Coated Stir Bars

Ideal for use with Scholar™ PC-171 stirrers stir bar 5/16x1

Fisherbrand™ Stir Bar Box Set, Cross-Shaped

Provides stable, general purpose stirring. Fisherbrand™ Stir Bar Box Sets, Cross-Shaped are isostatically molded in pure, FDA-approved PTFE plastic.
Fisherbrand PTFE Stir Bars Assortment, 5 Cross 1 each of 10x10, 20x20, 25x25, 30x30, 38x38mm

Brand™ PTFE Magnetic Stirring Bars with Pivot Ring, Cylindrical Shape

Manufactured from PTFE. BRAND™ PTFE Magnetic Stirring Bars with Pivot Ring, Cylindrical Shape are for use with vessels that have slightly uneven bottoms. Pivot ring reduces the contact surface and enables the stirrer to adopt the optimum stirring position. X10 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE45x8mm, cyl., smallpivot ring

Fisherbrand™ Stir Bar Box Set, Tapered with Retriever

Provides effective stirring for use in round-bottom flasks and containers with bases that are slightly curved or uneven. Fisherbrand PTFE Stirbars w/Retriever, 2 of 10x4/15x5/20x7/25-30-35-40-50-60x8mm 1 of 70-80-300x10mm

Kartell™ Crosshead Stirring Bars

Special shape for small containers. Particularly effective stirring action. X10 crosshead stirring bars PTFE coated 10x8mm

Kartell™ Magnetic Triangular Stirring Bars

Made from Polytetrafluoroethylene. Kartell™ 120° Magnetic Triangular Stirring Bars are ideal for dissolving solids and mixing sediments thanks to the scraping action. The angled surfaces create high turbulence even at low speeds. X10 triangular stirring bars PTFE coated 7,5x25mm

Brand™ Triangular Wedge-Shape PTFE Magnetic Stirring Bars

An excellent option for liquid agitation in the laboratory. X10 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE55 x 14mm, triangular

Kartell™ Polystyrene Rod

Kartell™ Polystyrene Rod is a disposable shock resistant rod for clot detachment and extraction. X500 rods for detachment clot PS

Corning™ PTFE-Coated Magnetic Stir Bars

For use in Corning Hotplate Stirrers magnetic stir bar 3/8''x1''

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Double Spinfin™ Magnetic Stirring Bars

To agitate liquids in round bottom vessels where other stirring bars cannot be used. DOUBLE SPINFIN D25XH19MM

Fisherbrand™ Solid PTFE Stirring Rod

Chemically resistant, inert and leak-free X5 Fisherbrand PTFE Stirring Rod, Solid PTFE 300x8mm


OHAUS™ PTFE Stirbar for stirring volumes in vessels such as vials and tubes. Spinbar 2.5 cm PTFE

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Flea Micro Spinbar™ Magnetic Stirring Bars

Particularly useful for environmental testing and life science applications in which small sample volumes need to be prepared and evaluated OMRÖRARMAGNET MIKRO PTFE 8 1,5MM

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Cell Spinbar™ Stir Bar for Spectrophotometer Cells

For 10mm lightpath spectrophotometer cells Magnetic stir bar egg-shaped Teflon encased 8mm x9mm Scienceware, 1/Cs, MA: TBD
