
Jenway™ pH Electrodes

Jenway™ pH Electrodes

Use these electrodes for advanced applications where faster response times and greater reproducibility are required. Combination electrode life science, micro, 150 mm

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ KCl PH Electrode Filling Solution

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ KCl PH Electrode Filling Solution

Optimize the performance of your Jenway meter 100ML pH Electrode fill solution 3M KCl

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ pH Electrode Cleaning Solution

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ pH Electrode Cleaning Solution

500ML pH Electrode cleaning solution

Jenway™ Carry Case for Model 350 pH Meter

Jenway™ Carry Case for Model 350 pH Meter

Carry Case for Model 350 pH Meter Carry case (Model 350)

Bibby Scientific™ Jenway™ DataWay Software

Bibby Scientific™ Jenway™ DataWay Software

Bibby Scientific™ Jenway™ DataWay Software is suitable PC software for pH Bench Meters and includes a CD and an interface cable. ACQUISITION AND PILOTING SOFTWARE

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Cleaning Solution

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Cleaning Solution


Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Glass Cuvettes

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Glass Cuvettes

Visible (glass) 100mm path length cuvette

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Glass UV Cuvette

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Glass UV Cuvette

10 x 10mm Macro glass cell (UV) (4 windows)

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Visible Cuvette

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Visible Cuvette

10 x 10mm Macro glass cell (Visible) (4 windows)

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Automatic Sipper

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Automatic Sipper


Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Quartz Cell, 3 Windows

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Quartz Cell, 3 Windows

100µl quartz cell (3 windows)

Jenway™ Replacement Probe for Knife Kit.

Jenway™ Replacement Probe for Knife Kit.

Protects pH electrode inserted in frozen and defrosted meats. Jenway™ Replacement Probe for Knife Kit can be used with any pH meter with a BNC connection. Replacement electrode for 924 034

Jenway™ pH Temperature Electrode

Jenway™ pH Temperature Electrode

Jenway™ pH Temperature Electrodes are used in conjunction with Jenway™ pH meters – 3510, 3520, 3540, 3340, 3345, and 4330. General purpose electrode, glass bodied (max. temp. 80°C)

Jenway™ Flame Photometry Standard, 3000ppm Barium

Jenway™ Flame Photometry Standard, 3000ppm Barium

Calibration standard 3000ppm Barium

Jenway™ Fluorimeter Interference Filter

Jenway™ Fluorimeter Interference Filter

Requires a much more narrow range of wavelengths. Jenway™ Fluorimeter Interference Filter allows a specified wavelength and light to pass through to the sample. Interference Filter Wavelength 326nm

Bibby Scientific™ Jenway™ Combination pH/Conductivity Probe

Bibby Scientific™ Jenway™ Combination pH/Conductivity Probe

Bibby Scientific™ Jenway™ Combination pH/Conductivity Probe is designed to work with Model 430 pH Meters. Probe pH/conductivity for 430 meter mini DIN

Jenway™ Flame Photometer Accessories

Jenway™ Flame Photometer Accessories

Parts and accessories needed to keep your flame photometer operating, and at its best. SI Rubber Tube OD 9.5

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Quartz Cuvettes

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Quartz Cuvettes

Cuvette flow through UV/visible applications 80µL

Redox standard solution, Jenway™

Redox standard solution, Jenway™

Redox standard solution 200mV (500ml)

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Powders

Cole-Parmer™ Jenway™ Powders

Vial of zero calibration powder for DO2 probe

Jenway™ 3540 Bench Combined Conductivity/pH Meter

Jenway™ 3540 Bench Combined Conductivity/pH Meter

Designed for use in all laboratories where pH and conductivity analyses are required. Jenway™ 3540 Bench Combined Conductivity/pH Meters feature automatic calibration, and whole range of instrument, pH and conductivity measurement options. Model 3540 pH/conductivity meter

Jenway™ PTFE coated ATC probe for use with corrosive/aggressive samples

Jenway™ PTFE coated ATC probe for use with corrosive/aggressive samples

Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) probe used with Jenway pH Meters. Teflon coated ATC probe

Jenway™ Benchtop pH Meters

Jenway™ Benchtop pH Meters

Compact unit that provides accurate and reliable readings. Model 3510 pH meter supplied as above with USpower supply, 1/Cs, MA: 351101

Jenway™ Bench Meters

Jenway™ Bench Meters

Use this versatile benchtop meter for a variety of applications. Jenway™ Bench Meters are ideal for routine analysis. Model 9500 DO2 meter supplied as above with European power supply

Jenway™ 4520 Conductivity Meter without Probe

Jenway™ 4520 Conductivity Meter without Probe

Offers accuracy with 1, 2 or 3 point conductivity calibration across the wide measurement range of 0 to 19.99S. Jenway™ 4520 Conductivity Meter without Probe ensures optimum accuracy with a dedicated “pure water” mode. Model 4520 conductivity/temperature meter with graphics display , without probe, UK power supply

Jenway™ pH Buffer Solution

Jenway™ pH Buffer Solution

Offers a range of pH buffers to care for your Jenway pH electrodes. Jenway™ ph Buffer Solution also offers a range of storage solutions and fill solutions tailored to your specific probe. 120ML pH Buffer 10 (10 bags x12ml)
