Microbiology Media, Stains and Supplies

BD BBL™/Difco™ Media Additives/Ingredients/Reagents: Skim Milk

Differentiate organisms based on coagulation and proteolysis of casein. BBL™/Difco™ Media Additives/Ingredients/Reagents: Skim Milk can be added to media.  500GR SKIMMED POWDER MILK

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ AnaeroGen™ Compact Sachet

Oxoid AnaeroGen Compact Sachet is a simple anaerobic gas generator system for the anaerobic incubation of up to 4 petri dishes or an identification panel. Pouch AnaeroGen Compact anaerobic

BD Difco™ Nutrient Broth

General purpose medium for the cultivation of microorganisms with nonexacting nutritional requirements 100GR NUTRIENT BROTH

BD BBL™ Middlebrook OADC Enrichment

Used in qualitative procedures for isolation and cultivation of mycobacteria.  BD Difco™ BBL™ Middlebrook OADC Enrichment is a dehydrated culture media. 600ML SUPPLT MIDDLEBROOK OADC (+2-8C)

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ AnaeroGen™ Compact

Oxoid AnaeroGen Compact is a simple anaerobic gas generator system for the anaerobic incubation of up to four petri dishes or an identification panel. X10 BOITE ANAEROGEN COMPACT (10)

BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Noble Agar

Used as a solidifying agent essentially free of impurities.  Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Noble Agar is perfect for electrophoretic and nutritional procedures wherever increased purity is required. 100GR AGAR NOBLE

BD BBL™ SEPTI-CHEK™ Blood Culture System: Sub/Venting units

Designed for rapid qualitative detection, isolation, and differentiation of pathogens from blood X100 SUBVENTING UNITS FOR CULTURE

BD BBL™ IsoVitaleX™ Enrichment

BD BBL™ IsoVitaleX™ Enrichment is a chemically defined supplement used as an additive to media for cultivation of nutritionally fastidious microorganisms. 50ML X5 Isovitalex Bottle, 10ml (+2-8C)

BD Bacto™ Dehydrated Agar

Purified solidifying agent.  BD Difco™ Bacto™ Dehydrated Agar is purified to remove extraneous matter.  100GR AGAR BACTO

BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Granulated Agar

Used as a solidifying agent for culture media. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Granulated Agar is carefully monitored for cultural response, solubility and gelation temperature. 500GR Difco Bacteriological Agar

Thermo Scientific™ Signal™ Blood Culture System

Detect the growth of aerobic, anaerobic and micro-aeophilic organisms from blood samples with this unique one bottle blood culture system. X20 Signal blood culture system

Corning™ Sterile Polystyrene Inoculating Loops

Constructed of flexible polystyrene for optimum retrieval of an inoculum from a culture. Gosselin™ Sterile Polystyrene Inoculating Loops provide a superior solution for transferring microscopic organisms, inoculum, or streaking. X9000 Inoculating loop 1µL, PS gr L195, with bubble end, sterile, SAL 10-3

BD Difco™ Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate

Used in molecular genetics for classifying yeasts based on carbon and nitrogen requirements. BD™ Difco™ Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate is prepared according to the formulas of Wickerham. 10KG BASE YEASTS NITROGENE

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ AnaeroGen™ 2.5L Sachet

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid AnaeroGen 2.5L Sachets are anaerobic gas generating sachets for use with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid 2.5L jar, Part No. AG0025A (not included). X10 AnaeroGen 2.5L anaerobic atmosphere generation

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Vitox Supplement

Oxoid Vitox Supplement is used for the preparation of Thayer Martin Medium and New York City Medium for the isolation of Neisseria spp. X5 VITOX (SUPPL POLYVITAMINIQ)(FL.PR2000 ML DE MIL

Thermo Scientific™ Yeast Extract Agar (Dehydrated)

Carry out plate count of microorganisms in water with this medium while adhering to ISO 1133:2014. 500 GR YEAST EXTRACT AGAR POWDER 500G

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Resazurin Anaerobic Indicator

Oxoid Resazurin is an indicator strip for use with anaerobic jar systems. X100 Anaerobic indicator (resazurin)

BD BBL™ Prepared Lowenstein-Jensen Media

Used for cultivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other mycobacterial species X100 TUBE LOWENSTEIN JENSEN (+2-8C)

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Vegetable Peptone Broth

The Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid Vegetable Peptone Broth is a highly nutritious, general-purpose peptone. 500 GR VEGGIETONES VEGETABLE PEPTONE BROTH MEATfree and GMO free (pack of 1 x 500g)

Thermo Scientific™ Potato Dextrose Agar (EP/USP/JP/BP) (Dehydrated)

Isolate and enumerate yeasts and molds from dairy and food products with this medium while conforming to EP/USP/JP Microbial Limit Test standards. 500 GR POTATO DEXTROSE AGAR POWDER 500 G

Brand™ Blaubrand™ Neubauer Improved Counting Chambers

Subdivided into 9 large squares of 1mm2 each. BRAND™ Neubauer Counting Chambers have four large corner squares marked 'L' for counting leucocytes and 5 group squares in the large central square for counting thrombocytes and erythrocytes. All group squares have triple boundary lines on each side. Double-ruled. Available with or without spring clips. CE-marked according to IVD-Directive 98/79 CE. Count. chamber BB Neubauer improved IVDwith spring clips, double ruling

BRAND™ BLAUBRAND™ Neubauer Counting Chambers

Subdivided into 9 large squares of 1mm2 each. BRAND™ Blaubrand™ Neubauer Counting chambers consist of 4 large corner squares marked 'L' for counting leukocytes. 5 group squares in the large central square are used for counting thrombocytes and erythrocytes. The counting area of each group square is limited by the outer a triple boundary line. Double-ruled. Available with or without spring clips. Counting chamber BB Neubauer pattern IVD with spring clips, double ruling

Interscience™ Colony Counter Scan 100

High-tech manual colony counter remarkable for user-friendliness and ergonomics. Interscience™ Colony Counter Scan 100 features an LED lighting system and darkfield technology for accurate and contrasted colony viewing. COLONY COUNTER SCAN 100

BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Potato Dextrose Agar

For cultivation of Yeasts and molds.  BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Potato Dextrose Agar is supplied in dehydrated format. 100GR AGAR POTATO GLUC

Thermo Scientific™ Remel™ MacConkey Agar

The Thermo Scientific™ Remel MacConkey Agar is used for selective and differential isolation of gram-negative bacilli on the basis of lactose fermentation. MACCONKEY AGAR 10KG

Thermo Scientific™ Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Dehydrated)

Cultivate streptococci, Neisseria and other fastidious organisms with this highly nutritious medium.

500 GR BRAIN HEART INFUSION, HIGHLY NUTRITIOUSinfusion medium recommended for the cultivation

BD Difco™ LB Broth, Lennox

Used to propagate and maintain recombinant strains of Escherichia coli in molecular biology procedures. BD™ Difco™ LB Broth, Lennox is a nutritionally rich media developed by Lennox for growth of pure E. coli cultures. 2KG BROTH LENNOX LB

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ AnaeroGen™ 3.5L Sachet

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid AnaeroGen 3.5L Sachet is for use with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid Anaerobic 3.5L jars, Part No. HP0011A, HP0031A. X10 ATMOSPHERE GENERATION SYSTEM ANAEROGEN GASgenerator

Thermo Scientific™ Mannitol Salt Agar (Dehydrated)

Presumptively detect, isolate and enumerate pathogenic staphylococci in milk, food, fish and other specimens with this highly selective medium. 500GR MANNITOL SALT AGAR POWDER

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Ringers Solution Tablets

Oxoid Ringers Solution Tablets is used for the preparation of isotonic diluents for bacterial cells and bacteriological specimens. 100 TAB RINGERS SOLUTION TABLETS 100
