Antibody Production and Purification

IBA Solutions for Life Science™ StrepMAB-Classic

For detection of N- or C-terminal or internal Strep-tag™ II specific monoclonal antibody 100 UG STREPMAB-CLASSIC, STREP-TAG II SPECIFICmonoclonal antibody, mouse/IgG1, purified 100µg

BD Cytometric Bead Array Mouse IL-4 Flex Set Standard

Standard control for flow cytometry Ms IL-4 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Human Interleukin-13 Flex Set Standard

Reconstituted Human IL-13 Standard is useful as a standard control with the CBA Human IL-13 Flex Set Hu IL-13 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Human Interleukin-5 Flex Set Standard

Lyophilized human Interleukin Hu IL-5 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Human IP-10 Flex Set Standard

Lyophilized human IP-10 Hu IP-10 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Rat TNF Flex Set Standard

Useful as a standard control with CBA Rat TNF Flex Set Rat TNF CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Mouse IFN-γ Flex Set Standard

Useful as a standard control with CBA Mouse IFN-γ Flex Set Ms IFN-Gma CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Mouse IL-12 p70 Flex Set Standard

Lyophilized Mouse IL-12 p70 Ms IL-12 p70 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Mouse IL-2 Flex Set Standard

Standard control for flow cytometry Ms IL-2 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Human MIP-1α Standard

Useful as a standard control with the CBA Human MIP-1a Flex Set Hu MIP-1 ALP CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Rat IL-6 Flex Set Standard

Lyophilized Rat IL-6 Rat IL-6 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Rat IL-10 Flex Set Standard

Lyophilized Rat IL-10 Rat IL-10 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Mouse IL-5 Flex Set Standard

Lyophilized Mouse IL-5 Ms IL-5 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Mouse Th1/Th2 Cytokine Standard

Designed for use as a standard control with the Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) Mouse Th1/Th2 Cytokine Kit Ms Th1/Th2 CBA Std Lyo

BD Cytometric Bead Array Human MCP-1 Standard

Useful as a standard control with the CBA Human MCP-1 Flex Set Hu MCP-1 CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Human MIP-1β Standard

Lyophilized human MIP-1β Hu MIP-1 Bta CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

BD Cytometric Bead Array Human RANTES Standard

Lyophilized human RANTES Hu RANTES CBA Flex Set Std Lyo 0.2mL

GE Healthcare HiScreen™ MabSelect™, Xtra™, SuRe™, SuRe LX™ Prepacked Columns

Designed for method optimization and parameter screening for capture of monoclonal antibodies.   GE Healthcare HiScreen™ MabSelect™, Xtra™, SuRe™, SuRe LX™ Prepacked Columns come ready-to-use  for convenience. X1 PREPACKED COLUMN, HISCREEN(TM) MABSELECT(TM) SURE, 4.7ML Volume

IBA Lifesciences™ StrepMAB™ -Immuno

100 UG STREPMAB-IMMO, MURINE HIGH AFFINITY STREP-Tag II specificmonoclonal IgG1, purified 100µg
