Fisherbrand™ Glaslichaam met pH-micro-elektrode, kop S7
With small diameters for use measuring pH on very small samples. Fisherbrand™ pH Microelectrodes can also be used for sample receptacles which are not very accessible.
Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ 9826BN Micro pH Electrode
Accurately measure pH in NMR cells with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ 9826BN Micro pH Electrode.
Fisherbrand™ pH-micro-elektrode
Unique pH microelectrode that is ideal for measuring very small sample volumes such as sweat, saliva, and others in capillary tubes, microtiter plates, test tubes, and other easily accessible containers.
Fisherbrand™ pH-elektrode met BNC-connector
With a pH range of 0 to 13, this pH electrode with BNC connector, is ideal for measuring pH in most laboratory and scientific environments.
Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ PerpHecT™ ROSS™ Combination pH Micro Electrode
Measure micro volume samples with this refillable, glass double junction electrode.
Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ 9810BN micro-pH-elektrode
Measure pH as low as 0.5μL samples in gels or micro containers with this small-tipped glass combination electrode for pH measurements in micro volume samples.
Fisherbrand™ pH Electrode with DIN Connector
This pH electrode is ideal for measuring small volumes of pH.
Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ 9863BN Micro pH Electrode
Measure pH by piercing septa with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ 9863BN Micro pH Electrode, a bevel needle-tipped 16-gauge glass body combination electrode.
SI Analytics™ Gecombineerde pH-micro-elektrode met vaste kabel van 1 m
Ensure high measurement accuracy, stability, and long service life while maintaining high adaptability to your measurement tasks. SI Analytics™ pH Combination Micro-Electrode is robust, durable, and easy to clean.
SI Analytics™ ScienceLine™ Micro-Electrode
SI Analytics™ ScienceLine™ Micro-Electrode is a combination electrode with a temperature sensor.
WTW™ SenTix™ SP-T 900 IDS pH Electrode
WTW™ SenTix™ SP-T 900 IDS pH Electrodes are designed for penetration pH measurement of foodstuffs such as of meat, fruit or cheese.