Dosages cellulaires

Molecular Probes™ CyQUANT™ Cell Proliferation Assay Kit, for cells in culture

CyQUANT™ Cell Proliferation Assay Kit, for cells in culture CYQUANT(R) CELL PROLIFERA

Molecular Probes™ Dead Cell Apoptosis Kit with Annexin V FITC and PI, for flow cytometry

Dead Cell Apoptosis Kit with Annexin V FITC and PI, for flow cytometry VYBRANT(R) APOPTOSIS ASSA

Invitrogen™ Réactif de détection vert caspase-3/7 Molecular Probes™ CellEvent™

Réactif optimisé pour l’analyse des cellules apoptotiques CELLEVENT CASPASE 3/7 GREENFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Invitrogen™ Kit de test de prolifération cellulaire MTT Molecular Probes™ Vybrant™

Le kit de test de prolifération cellulaire MTT simplifie le comptage des cellules. VYBRANT(R) MTT CELL PROLI

Molecular Probes™ PrestoBlue™ Cell Viability Reagent

PrestoBlue™ Cell Viability Reagent PRESTOBLUE CELL VIABILITY RGNT

Molecular Probes™ Propidium Iodide


Molecular Probes™ Fura-2, AM, cell permeant

Fura-2, AM, cell permeant X20 FURA-2, AM CELL PERMEANT

Invitrogen™ CellTrace™ Violet Cell Proliferation Kit, for flow cytometry

CellTrace™ Violet Cell Proliferation Kit, for flow cytometry CellTrace Violet Cell Proliferation Kit, for flowcytometry (20 Reactions)

Molecular Probes™ LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain Kit, for 633 or 635 nm excitation

LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain Kit, for 633 or 635 nm excitation LIVE/DEAD FIXABLE NEAR IR DEAD

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ EnzChek™ Pyrophosphate Assay Kit

Detects free pyrophosphate in solution ENZCHEK(R) PYROPHOSPHATE

BD Caspase-3, Active Form, mAb Apoptosis Kit

Specific recognision of active form of caspase-3 in human and mouse cells Active Caspase-3 Apop Kit PE 100Tst

Molecular Probes™ Coelenterazine h

Coelenterazine h COELENTERAZINE H

Molecular Probes™ Fluo-4, AM, cell permeant

Fluo-4, AM, cell permeant FLUO-4, AM 1 MM SOLUTION

Molecular Probes™ CyQUANT™ Direct Cell Proliferation Assay

CyQUANT™ Direct Cell Proliferation Assay CYQUANT DIRECT CELL PROLIFERATFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Molecular Probes™ Propidium Iodide - 1.0 mg/mL Solution in Water

Propidium Iodide - 1.0 mg/mL Solution in Water PROPIDIUM IODIDE 1.0 MG

Invitrogen™ PrestoBlue™ HS Cell Viability Reagent

PrestoBlue™ HS Cell Viability Reagent is a ready-to-use resazurin-based solution that functions as a cell health indicator by using the reducing power of living cells to quantitatively measure viability 25ML HS Cell Viability Reagent

Molecular Probes™ Kit de coloration turquoise et fixable des cellules mortes LIVE/DEAD™ pour excitation à 405 nm

Kit de coloration turquoise et fixable des cellules mortes LIVE/DEAD™ pour excitation à 405 nm LIVE/DEAD FIXABLE AQUA DEAD CE

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ Click-iT™ EU (5-Ethynyl Uridine)

Aids in detection of global RNA transcription 5-ETHYNYL URIDINEFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Alfa Aesar™ Suptopin-2

Suppressoes topoisomerase II inhibition and reverses cell cycle arrest 10MG Suptopin-2

Molecular Probes™ Indo-1, AM, Cell Permeant DMSO Solution

Indo-1, AM, cell permeant INDO-1, AM 1 MM SOLUTION

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ Click-iT™ EdU Alexa Fluor™ 647 Imaging Kit

Works the first time, every time, in less time CLICK EDU ALEXA 647 IMAGING

Alfa Aesar™ Prostratin, 99+%

5MG Prostratin, 99+%

Molecular Probes™ CellMask™ Green Plasma Membrane Stain

CellMask Green Plasma Membrane Stain 100UL CELLMASK GREEN PM STAIN

Alfa Aesar™ Mitoxantrone Dihydrochloride

50MG Mitoxantrone dihydrochloride 50mg

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ Amplex™ Red Phospholipase D Assay Kit

Detect phospholipase D activity levels as low as 10U/mL AMPLEX(R) RED PHOSPHOLIPA

Alfa Aesar™ Calpain Inhibitor XII

1MG Calpain Inhibitor XII

Molecular Probes™ Indo-1, Pentapotassium Salt, cell impermeant

Indo-1, Pentapotassium Salt, cell impermeant INDO-1, PENTAPOTASSIUM SA

Autophagy Inhibitor, 3-MA

25MG Autophagy Inhibitor, 3-MA 25mg
