Boîtes, plaques et flacons de culture cellulaire

Corning™ Flacons triangulaires pour culture cellulaire Costar™

Manufactured from optically clear virgin polystyrene for optimum visibility. Corning™ Cell Culture Triangular Flasks provide excellent accessibility to cell surface. X100 FLACON 75CM2 PS TC TSPS ST

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons traités pour la culture cellulaire Nunc™ EasYFlasks™

Les flacons traités pour la culture de cellules Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ EasYFlasks™ permettent une adhérence, une croissance et une différenciation optimales des cellules. X30 EASYFLASK 225CM2 CAP V/C ST

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons de culture Nunc™ EasYFlasks™ avec revêtement de poly-D-lysine ou de collagène I

Améliorez la fixation des cellules à la surface de culture grâce au revêtement de matrice extracellulaire des flacons Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ EasYFlasks™ avec revêtement de poly-D-lysine ou de collagène I. X30 EASYFLASK 175CM² POLYDLYSINE

Corning™ Flacons traités pour culture cellulaire

Manufactured from optically clear virgin polstyrene for optimum visibility and distortion-free microscopic viewing. Corning™ Cell Culture Treated Flasks are available in a variety of sizes, designs and cap styles to meet laboratory diagnostic needs. X50 FLACON 150CM2 PS TC RCPL ST

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons traités pour culture cellulaire BioLite

Effectuez vos procédures générales de culture cellulaire avec les flacons traités pour culture cellulaire Thermo Scientific™ BioLite. X40 FLACON 175CM2 PS VENTILE

Corning™ Flacons rectangulaires de culture cellulaire de surface CellBIND™

Increases suface wettability for more even and consistent cell attachment. Corning™ CellBIND™ Surface Cell Culture are available in a variety of sizes, designs and cap styles to meet all laboratory needs. X50 FLAC 175CM2 PSCELLBIND RAPS ST

Corning™ Flacons de culture cellulaire T75 en forme de U

Designed to improve usability while maintaining the same environment for cell growth as previous designs. Corning™ U-Shaped Cell Culture Flasks have an ergonomic shape that reduces the number of corners, improves cell scraping and allows the use of a larger pipet. X100 FLASK,75CM,CANT,VENT,PS,S,BK,5/100

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons traités pour la culture cellulaire Nunc™ TripleFlasks™

Travaillez sur de grandes applications de masse cellulaire telles que le screening de stupéfiants et l’évolution grâce à ces flacons traités pour la culture cellulaire TripleFlasks. X32 TRIPLEFLASK 500CM² CAP V/C

Corning™ HYPERStack™ Accessories: Stacking Tray

Accessories for use with Corning HYPERStack products X5 BAC EMPILABLE HYPERSTACK

Corning™ Low Profile Cell Culture Flask

Unique design reduces stacking height X60 FLACON LOW PROFILE 100CM² CB

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons traités pour la culture cellulaire Nunc™ avec bouchons filtrants

Les flacons traités pour la culture de cellules Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ avec bouchons filtrants vous offrent une adhérence maximum pour une vaste gamme de types de cellules. X160 FLACON 25CM² ANGLE CAP FILTRE

Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ 300cm2 Cell Culture Treated Flasks

Promote cell attachment and expand growth with this 1,900mL flask that provides a large culture area in a single layer. X12 FLACON NUNCLON 300CM2 FILTRE STERILE

Corning™ Flacons non traités pour culture cellulaire

Printed with lot numbers for ease in traceability X50 FLAC 150CM2 PS TC NON TRAITETRAITE

Corning™ Cell Culture Flask with Bar Code

Features nonrepeating bar code for use in automation X84 FLACON 175CM2 PS TC RAVC BC ST

Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Nunclon™ Δ Cell Factory Components and Replacement Parts

Accessories for filling and emptying the cell factories with media X6 ENTONNOIR PS POUR CELL FACTORIE

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons non traités Nunc™

Réduisez les risques de contamination grâce à ces flacons non traités Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ en polystyrène et à transparence optique de haute qualité pour les cultures cellulaires en suspension. X100 FLACON NON-TRAITE 260ML

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons traités pour la culture cellulaire Nunc™ avec bouchons ventilés

Assurez-vous une adhérence maximale pour une large gamme de types de cellules. X32 FLACON 175CM² DROIT CAP V/C

Corning™ HYPERFlask™ Cell Culture Vessels

Bar-coded and compatible with cell culture automation platforms X24 FLACON HYPERFLASK 1720CM2 STCB

Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Polypropylene Probe Adapter Closure

Insert 7 to 14mm diameter probes into Culture Vessels and Bottles with 38-430 neck finishes using this polypropylene probe adapter closure. X2 BOUCHON PORTE-SONDE 38.430

Corning™ HYPERStack™ Accessories: Hyperviewer™ device

Accessories for use with Corning HYPERStack products VERRE GROSSISSEUR HYPERVIEWER

Corning™ Récipients pour culture cellulaire M HYPERFlask

Designed specifically for manual use, high-yield and high-performance. Specifically designed for manual use. Corning™ HYPERFlask™ M Cell Culture Vessel uses a multi-layer gas permeable growing surface for efficient gas exchange. X24 HYPERFLASK M 1720CM2 CB ST

Corning™ Hyperflasks


Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Vented HDPE Closures for Sterile Single Use Erlenmeyer Flasks

Ensure a sterile gas exchange for shaker and suspension cell culture by using Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Vented HDPE Closures for Sterile Single Use Erlenmeyer Flasks. X12 BOUCHON VENTILE STERILE 38-430

Thermo Scientific™ Flacons Nunclon™ Sphera™

Flacons dotés dʼune grande surface de culture cellulaire et permettant dʼobtenir des performances démontrées qui font avancer la recherche sur les cellules souches et sur la culture cellulaire. T75 FLASK NUNCLON SPHERA CULTURE AREA 75 CM2

Corning™ Flacons à très faible adhérence

Features a covalently bound hydrogel layer that minimizes cell attachment, protein absorption and cellular activation. Corning™ Ultralow Attachment Flasks have an ergonomic shape that reduces the number of corners, improves cell scraping and allows the use of a larger pipet. X24 FLACON 75CM2 PS ULA RCVC ST

Corning™ HYPERStack™ Accessories: Bottle Stand

Accessories for use with Corning HYPERStack products SUPPORT EN ACIER INOXIDABLE

Corning™ HYPERStack™ Accessories: Stack Manipulator

Accessories for use with Corning HYPERStack products MANIPULATEUR PR BOITE HYPERSTACKHYPERSTACK

Corning™ Flacons de culture tissulaire Primaria™

Improves attachment, spreading and growth for many primary cells or cell lines. Corning™ Primaria™ Tissue Culture Flasks are suitable for growing cells that grow poorly on conventional, negatively charged, standard tissue culture surfaces—including tumor cells, endothelial cells and hepatocytes. X100 Primaria Rectangular Straight Neck Cell Culture Flask, 75cm², Vented Cap, 5/bag

Corning™ CELLine Disposable Bioreactor

Cultivation flask for secreted product, recombinant protein expression and high-yield monoclonal antibody (MAb) production X3 CELLine Disposable Bioreactor
