ELISA Kits and Reagents

Invitrogen™ Novex™ NuPAGE™ MOPS SDS Running Buffer (20X)

Made with high-purity reagents and are strictly quality controlled NUPAGE MOPS 20XRUN BUF

Invitrogen™ Novex™ Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer (10X)

Formulated for separation of proteins, in their denatured state, on Novex Tris-Glycine gels TS SDS 10X RUN BUF, 5L

Invitrogen™ DYNAL™ MyOne™ Dynabeads™ Streptavidin T1

Exceptional standard for isolation and handling of biotinylated nucleic acids, antibodies, or other biotinylated ligands and targets 10 ML DYNABEADS MYONE STREPTAVIDIN T1 DYNAL(R)Invitrogen SKU 65602 10mL

Invitrogen™ Novex™ NuPAGE™ LDS Sample Buffer (4X)


Invitrogen™ IL-8 Human Matched Antibody Pair

Matched Antibody Pair HU IL 8 CYTOSET

Invitrogen™ Novex™ Tris-Glycine SDS Sample Buffer (2X)

Use with Novex Tris-Glycine Gels TRISGLY SDS SAM BUF (2X)20ML

Invitrogen™ IL-6 Human Uncoated ELISA Kit with Plates

Specifically engineered for accurate and precise measurement of human IL-6 protein levels from samples including serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatants. X10 Human IL-6 ELISA Ready-SET-Go| (supplied as 10 x 96 tests w/plates)

Invitrogen™ Novex™ NuPAGE™ Antioxidant

Proprietary reagent that maintains proteins in a reduced state during protein gel electrophoresis 15ML NUPAGE ANTIOXIDANT

Invitrogen™ Novex™ NuPAGE™ Tris-Acetate SDS Running Buffer (20X)

Formulated for separation of proteins, in their denatured state, on NuPAGE Novex Tris-Acetate gels NUPAGE TA SDS RNBUF (20X)

Normal Human Serum Control, Invitrogen™


Invitrogen™ Stop Solution

For use with enzyme assays which employ horseradish peroxidase and TMB substrate solution 1 LT STOP SOLUTION 1L STORE AT AMBIENT

Invitrogen™ Novex™ NuPAGE™ MES SDS Running Buffer (20X)

Made with high-purity reagents and are strictly quality controlled NUPAGE MES 20X RUN BUF

Thermo Scientific™ SuperBlock™ Blocking Buffers

Block membranes, plates and tissue samples with these optimized solutions containing a protein that provides fast and effective blocking for Western blot, ELISA and IHC. 1 LT T20 (PBS) BLOCKING BUFFER, SUPERBLOCK 1LStore in fridge at 4C

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ TMB Substrates

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrates for ELISA that change from blue to yellow upon addition of a sulfuric or phosphoric acid stop solution. 1-STEP SLOW TMB SUBSTRATE 250ML

Invitrogen™ Novex™ NuPAGE™ Sample Reducing Agent (10X)

Ready-to-use reagent to reduce protein samples for protein gel electrophoresis SAMPLE REDUCING AGENT (10X), LIQUID NUPAGE(R)10mL Store at 2-8C

Invitrogen™ Mouse TNF alpha ELISA Kits

Measure levels of mouse tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) in mouse serum and cell culture supernatant samples using 96-well plates. MOUSE TNFA ELISA

Invitrogen™ DYNAL™ MyOne™ Dynabeads™ Streptavidin C1

Exceptional standard for isolation and handling of biotinylated nucleic acids, antibodies, or other biotinylated ligands and targets 10 ML DYNABEADS MYONE STREPTAVIDIN C1 DYNAL(R)Invitrogen SKU 65002 10mL

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ Avidin

15 MG Avidin 15mg Store in -20C Freezer

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ StartingBlock™ Blocking Buffers

Block membranes, plates and other samples with these ready-to-use PBS or TBS formulations of a special protein blocker for exceptional nonspecific blocking and broad compatibility. 100mL StartingBlock (TBS) blocking buffer

Invitrogen™ TGF beta-1 Human/Mouse Uncoated ELISA Kit with Plates

Specifically engineered for accurate and precise measurement of human or mouse TGF beta 1 protein levels from samples including serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatants. This second generation kit has increased sensitivity with a range of 8-1000pg/mL. X20 Human/Mouse TGF beta 1 ELISA Ready-SET-Go| (2nd Generation) (supplied as 20 x 96 tests w/plates)

Invitrogen™ Transferrin Human ELISA Kit

Sandwich ELISA Kit Transferrin ELISA Kit, Human (96 assays)

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ SEA BLOCK™ Blocking Buffer

Block mammalian tissue samples for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and samples for other methods with steelhead salmon serum in PBS. SEA BLOCK BLOCKING BUFFER, 500 MLFridge at 4C

Molecular Probes™ Streptavidin, Alexa Fluor™ 594 conjugate

Streptavidin, Alexa Fluor™ 594 conjugate STREPTAVIDIN, ALEXA FLUOROur streptavidin, Alexa Fluor 594 conjugate is a

Invitrogen™ Novex™ Bolt™ Antioxidant

A proprietary reagent that maintains proteins in a reduced state during protein gel electrophoresis 15ML BOLT ANTIOXIDANT

Abnova™ Abnova™ Il1b (Mouse) ELISA Kit

Il1b (Mouse) ELISA Kit is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative measurement of mouse Il1b. 1SET Il1b (Mouse) ELISA Kit

Mouse IgM, eFluor 450, clone: 11E10, Isotype Control, eBioscience™

Mouse Isotype Control 25UG MOUSE IGM ISOTYPE

Rabbit IgG, Isotype Control, Invitrogen™

Rabbit Isotype Control 5 ML NORMAL RABBIT IGG. CLASS: RUOSTATEMENT: FORresearch useonly. Not for use in diagnostic proced

Thermo Scientific™ QuantaBlu™ Fluorogenic Peroxidase Substrate

Conduct stopped, non-stopped and kinetic assays using this soluble fluorogenic (chemifluorescent) peroxidase substrate for ELISA. 1 SET NS/K SUBSTRATE KIT, QUANTABLU 0

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Human IFN alpha ELISA Kits (Multi-Subtype)

Measure levels of 14 identified subtypes of human interferon alpha (IFNa) in human cell culture media supernatant samples using 96-well plates. HUMAN IFNA ELISA(MULTI SPECIES)

Thermo Scientific™ 6X DNA Loading Dye

Prepare DNA markers and samples for loading on agarose or polyacrylamide gels with Thermo Scientific™ 6X DNA Loading Dye. X5 6X DNA LOADING DYE, COMPOSITION: 10MM TRIS-HCL(pH7.6), 0.03% bromophenol blue, 0.03% xylene
