
IBA GmbH™ MART-1 peptide ELAGIGILTV (HLA-A*0201)

IBA GmbH™ MART-1 peptide ELAGIGILTV (HLA-A*0201) is a single peptide for stimulation of human MART 1-specific CD8+ T-cells. 1MG MART-1 peptide ELAGIGILTV (HLA-A*0201)

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ Avidin

15 MG Avidin 15mg Store in -20C Freezer

IBA Solutions for Life Science™ D-Desthiobiotin Buffer E

25 ML D-DESTHIOBIOTIN, 25MM BUFFER SOLUTION (10XBuffer E) contains Tris pH 8, NaCl and EDTA 25mL

IBA Lifesciences™ StrepMAB™ -Immuno

100 UG STREPMAB-IMMO, MURINE HIGH AFFINITY STREP-Tag II specificmonoclonal IgG1, purified 100µg

IBA Solutions for Life Science™ Strep-tag™ Regeneration Buffer, 10X

100 ML STREP-TAG(R) REGENERATION BUFFER WITH HABA(10x Buffer R) 100mL Store in 4C Fridge

IBA Solutions for Life Science™ Strep-tag™ Protein Purification Buffer Set

100ml Strep-Tactin purification buffer set(100mL 10x buffer W, 25mL 10x buffer E, 100mL

IBA Lifesciences™ Biotin Blocking Buffer


IBA Solutions For Life Science™ Strep-Tactin Sepharose Suspension


IBA GmbH™ Streptamer™ Solution Set Standard

IBA GmbH™ Streptamer™ Solution Set Standard is designed to be used for washing and dissociation. Streptamer solution set standard, buffer 50ml,Biotin Stock 1ml

IBA GmbH™ Streptamer™ CD3/CD28 Kit for T Cell Expansion

IBA GmbH™ Streptamer™ CD3/CD28 Kit for T Cell Expansion offers novel reagents for polyclonal expansion and contains three single reagents, which are combined prior to use. Streptamer®CD3/CD28 Kit for T cell expansion for 1.6 x 10¬7 cells

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ ApG-dinucleotide IBA

5 MG ApG-dinucleotide 5mg Store in Freezer at -20C

IBA Solutions For Life Science 2'-Fluoro-2'-dUTP

A modified nucleoside-triphosphate (modified oligos) that prevents nuclease degradation of RNAs. 2'-Fluoro-2'-dUTP

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ CpG-dinucleotide IBA

1 MMOL CpG-dinucleotide 1µmol Store in Freezer at

IBA Lifesciences™ Microtiter Plate

Strep-Tactin® coatedmicroplate, 1 plate, 1plate

IBA GmbH CD31 Isolation Kit for FABian™

For automated positive cell separation. The Isolation Kit for FABian&trade provides label-free target cells without the use of high affinity antibodies and magnetic beads CD31 Isolation Kits for FABian(R), human, 10 Kits

IBA Solutions For Life Science pdCpA Dinucleotid Transcription Starter

An RNA dinucleotide (oligonucleotide for 5´-labeled transcripts) used by RNA polymerases as an initiator for RNA synthesis and therefore very useful for transcription analysis. pdCpA Dinucleotid

IBA Solutions For Life Science 5'-Dy-ApG Transcription Starter

An RNA dinucleotide (oligonucleotide for 5´-labeled transcripts) used by RNA polymerases as an initiator for RNA synthesis and therefore very useful for transcription analysis. 5'-Dy-ApG

IBA Solutions For Life Science 7-Deaza-GTP

A modified nucleoside-triphosphate (modified 2´-ribonucleoside-5´-triphosphates) that helps in studying RNA-protein interactions. 7-Deaza-GTP

IBA Solutions For Life Science 7-Deaza-ATP alpha S (Tubercidin)

A modified nucleoside-triphosphate (alpha-Thio-nucleoside-5´-triphosphate) that is used for RNA-sequencing, introduction of dyes and reporter groups, high throughput mapping of functionally important groups in RNA (NAIM), stabilizing RNA against nucleases. 7-Deaza-ATP alpha S (Tubercidin)

IBA GmbH™ CD45RA Fab Streptamer™ Isolation Kit MB

IBA GmbH™ CD45RA Fab Streptamer™ Isolation Kit MB is for reversible cell isolation delivering label-free target cells. CD45RA Fab Streptamer Isolation Kit MB

IBA GmbH™ Mammalian Expression Vector with No Secretion

Designed for high-level episomal expression in mammalian hosts under G418 selection. IBA GmbH™ Mammalian Expression Vector with No Secretion is a large expression vector with universal features for transient expression as well as for generation of stable cell lines (NeoR). pCSG-IBA25; 5µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ 3'-O-Methyl-ATP IBA

500 NMOL 3'-O-Methyl-ATP 0.5µmol Store in Freezer

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ UpU-dinucleotide IBA

1 MG UpU-dinucleotide 1mg Store in Freezer at -20C

IBA Solutions For Life Science StarGate™ pESG-IBA Acceptor Vectors for Mammalian Expression

Designed for high-level constitutive expression of recombinant proteins in a wide range of Mammalian host cells through the CMV promoter, with replication in cell lines that are latently infected with SV40 large T antigen. pESG-IBA5; 5µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ GpU-dinucleotide IBA

5 MG GpU-dinucleotide 5mg Store in Freezer at -20C

IBA Solutions For Life Science StarGate™ pLSG-IBA Acceptor Vectors for Baculo

Transfer vectors that allow for high-level expression in insect cells by introducing the gene of interest into the Polyhedrin gene locus of AcMNPV DNA by homologous recombination. pLSG-IBA142; 5µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science StarGate™ pPSG-IBA Acceptor Vectors for E. coli Expression

Achieves high-level expression in E. coli by the T7 promoter by providing specified genetic surroundings for optimal expression and purification of non-toxic proteins. pPSG-IBAwt1; 5µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ CpU-dinucleotide IBA

1 MG CpU-dinucleotide 1mg Store in Freezer at -20C

IBA Solutions For Life Science C8-Alkyne-dCTP

A modified nucleoside-triphosphate (3'-modified oligos) that is suitable for subsequent modifications with fluorescent or non-fluorescent Azides. C8-Alkyne-dCTP


Featured Products



The purification system with the highest affinity – one tag for expression, purification, detection and immobilization

  • High affinity in low pM range
  • Rapid one-step purification with unparalleled protein purity (> 95 %)
  • Mild and specific elution
  • Tolerates broad range of buffer conditions
  • Suitable for metalloproteins, membrane proteins, low abundant proteins, protein complexes and any other

Immobilization with near covalent binding affinity

Immobilization with near covalent binding affinity

Twin-Strep-tag™ Capture Kit for SPR experiments »

  • High affinity in low pM range enables long term measurements (T1/2 = 13 h)
  • Chip can be easily regenerated

High affinity meets high capacity!

High affinity meets high capacity!

Strep-Tactin™XT Superflow™ high capacity »

  • Higher protein yields compared to all other Strep-Tactin™ resins
  • Dynamic binding capacity of ~15 mg protein per ml resin
  • Elution of concentrated protein due to small elution volumes
  • Cost efficent: small price for more protein

Try our new high affinity Strep-tag™ system

Try our new high affinity Strep-tag® system

Starter Kit consists of:

  • Strep-Tactin™XT Superflow™ gravity flow column
  • Buffer W (Strep-Tactin™/Strep-Tactin™XT Wash Buffer)
  • Buffer BXT (Strep-Tactin™XT Elution Buffer with Biotin)
  • Strep-Tactin™ conjugated with HRP (for Western blot detection)
  • Short protocol
IBS's Cell Selection

Traceless Affinity Cell Selection

Traceless Affinity Cell Selection

Fab-TACS™ technology perfectly combines the benefits of positive and negative cell selection

  • High purity, yield and viability
  • Label-free cells
  • Directly from whole blood
  • No centrifugation

Fab-TACS™ Gravity and FABian™ »

Magnetic Cell Selection

Magnetic Cell Selection

IBA's Streptamer™ »

  • Fully reversible
  • No stimulation of cells after cell separation
  • Optimal preservation of cell effector function 
  • Improved viability of cells 

Cell Stimulation & Expansion

Cell Stimulation & Expansion

CD3/CD28 Streptamers™ »

  • Completely reversible reagents
  • Detachment from the cells at any given point in time
  • Adjustable CD3 : CD28 ratio 
  • Non-magnetic and bead-free

Peptides for T cell stimulation »

  • Purity > 80 %
  • Endotoxin free

Fluorescent Cell Staining

Fluorescent Cell Staining

Detection of antigen-specific T cells with MHC I Streptamers™ »

Detection of receptor-specific T cells with Fab Streptamers™ »

  • Fully reversible
  • High specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility
  • No leftover of staining reagents on the cells after FACS sorting
  • Optimal preservation of cell effector function
  • Improved viability of cells

Cloning & Transfection

Cloning & Transfection

More than 150 expression vectors »

  • Variety of affinity tags
  • Expression hosts:  E. coli, mammalia, insect cells, yeast
  • StarGate cloning system

Mammalian Expression

The MEXi system »

Optimized for efficient protein expression and Strep-tag™ purification in mammalian cells.

Protein Purification

Protein Purification

Strep-tag™ system from the original manufacturer

  • High affinity in low pM range
  • Rapid one-step purification with unparalleled protein purity (> 95 %)
  • Mild and specific elution
  • Tolerates broad range of buffer conditions
  • Suitable for metalloproteins, membrane proteins, low abundant proteins, protein complexes and any other



For Western blot analysis, immunofluorescence, FACS and ELISA »

  • Strep-Tactin™ conjugates for Strep-tag™II/Twin-Strep-tag™ proteins
  • Monoclonal antibodies against Strep-tag™II/Twin-Strep-tag™


Immobilisation & Immunoprecipitation

Near covalent binding affinity – Immobilisation by Strep-Tactin™XT:Twin-Strep-tag™ for screenings, diagnostic assays, protein biochemistry, protein kinetics and interaction studies, SPR experiments (Biacore)

  • High affinity in low pM range enables measurements over a long time
  • Minimal non-specific binding 
  • Minimal coefficients of variation (cv)
  • Chip for SPR experiments can be easily regenerated


Selector resins based on high-affinity single-domain antibodies (sdAb)

  • High capacity
  • Minimal unspecific binding




Standard DNA oligonucleotides

  • Long range up to 200 bases*
  • Large scale oligonucleotides
  • 3’-, 5’- or internally modified

Random RNA, dsRNA, siRNA, miRNA

  • Long range up to 100 bases*
  • 3’-, 5’- or internally modified
  • 2‘-modified: -O-Me, -F, -NH2
  • Nucleoside Triphosphates
  • RNA and RNA/DNA hybrid
  • Dinucleotides

*depending on sequence and scale

Fluorescence Labels

Non-Fluorescence Labels

Fluorescence Labels

E.g. for FRET, qPCR, FCS/FCCS, confocal and STED microscopy, single-molecule imaging, multi-color DNA and RNA FISH, DNA Origami

  • For dual and multiply labeled DNA and RNA
  • Excellent high quality 
  • More than 200 labels to choose from
  • Quenchers such as BBQ and BHQ™
  • Completely new dye combinations available

For DNA microarrays, surface binding and hybridization experiments, cross-linking and crystallography studies and more

  • More than 80 internal, 5’- and 3’- DNA and RNA modifications 

Backbone Modifications


Backbone Modifications
  • Phosphorothioates

Custom synthesis of DNA and RNA aptamers

  • High affinity 
  • Low immunogenicity
Resources Strep-Tactin®XT Sample Request

About IBA GmbH

Solutions For Life Sciences

IBA GmbH provides innovative technologies for life science applications. The product portfolio includes tools for cell selection & expansion, protein production & assays as well as custom oligos & predefined DNA/RNA.