Solid Phase Extraction Products

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Universal Vacuum Manifold

Use this flexible vacuum manifold to process samples using both solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges and 96 well plates. UNIVERSAL VACUUM MANIFOLD

J.T. Baker™ BAKER spe-12G Column Processor, Glass Design

Offers the flexibility of processing up to 12 SPE devices of different heights, diameters, or formats at the same time. J.T. Baker™ BAKER spe-12G Column Processor, Glass Design is a complete 12-port system that comes complete with a glass vacuum basin and sample collection rack. BAKER SPE-12G SYSTEM BAKERBOND SPE

Thermo Scientific™ SOLA™ SPE Cartridges

Achieve greater reproducibility with cleaner more consistent extracts compared to conventional SPE, phospholipid removal and protein precipitation products. X100 SPE tube Thermo ScientificSOLA-AX 10mg/1mL

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Glass Block Vacuum Manifolds

16- and 24-port vacuum manifolds speeds up sample processing; glass block design allows visible inspection of the extraction process and simplifies cleaning. 16 PORT VACUUM MANIFOLD

JT Baker™ Collection chamber SPE accessory Speedisk


Avantor™ BAKERBOND Speedisk™ Octadecyl (C18) Extraction Disk

Maximize capacity, adsorption and SPE speed. Avantor BAKERBOND Speedisk Octadecyl (C18) Extraction Disks are neither cartridge nor membrane that provides an excellent SPE tool for environmental samples and combines a thin bed of BAKERBOND sorbent with a special laminar configuration for testing drinking water, ground water, waste water, solid waste or process streams. X20 1 CV BAKERBOND SPEEDISK C18 BAKERBOND SPE

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Glass Block Vacuum Manifold Stopcocks

Use this stopcock to control the flow of extract exiting your SPE cartridge on the Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Glass Block Vacuum Manifold. X16 STOPCOCK WITH LUER ADAPTERfor glass block manifolds (pack of 16)

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Positive Pressure Manifold

Improve productivity of solid phase extraction (SPE) sample preparation. Use this manifold to simultaneously process up to 48 samples. MANIFOLD

Macherey-Nagel™ Chromabond™ C18 ec Polypropylene Column

X30 CHROMABOND Columns C18 ec volume: 6 mL, content of sorbent: 500 mg material: PP

Avantor™ BAKERBOND Speedisk™ SAX Quaternary Amine Extraction Disk

Maximize capacity, adsorption and SPE speed. Avantor BAKERBOND Speedisk SAX Quaternary Amine Extraction Disk are neither cartridge nor membrane that provides an excellent SPE tool for environmental samples and combines a thin bed of BAKERBOND sorbent with a special laminar configuration for testing drinking water, ground water, waste water, solid waste or process streams. X20 Bottle BAKERBOND SPEEDISK SAX BAKERBOND SPE

Avantor™ BAKERBOND™ spe Octadecyl (C18) Disposable Extraction Columns

Define and control critical surface chemistry parameters to ensure performance consistency. Avantor BAKERBOND spe Octadecyl (C18) Disposable Extraction Columns, are designed with standard geometries to adapt to most popular automated liquid handling systems for extracting non-ionic, non-polar to moderately polar analytes. 30X 1 CV OCTADECYL(C18),SPE PP,6ML,500M BAKERBOND SPE

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Hypercarb™ SPE Cartridges

Unique graphite carbon-based SPE cartridges offer retention and separation of polar compounds where silica and resin stationary phases fail. X50 HyperSep PGC 25mg/1mL

Avantor™ BAKERBOND Speedisk™ H2O-Phobic DVB Extraction Disk

Maximize capacity, adsorption and SPE speed. Avantor BAKERBOND Speedisk Extraction Disk H2O-Phobic DVB are neither cartridge nor membrane that provides an excellent SPE tool for environmental samples and combines a thin bed of BAKERBOND sorbent with a special laminar configuration for testing drinking water, ground water, waste water, solid waste or process streams. X20 Bottle H2O-PHOB DVB EXTR SPEEDISK BAKERBOND SPE

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Vacuum Manifolds, for HyperSep 96-Well Plates

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Vacuum Manifolds are designed for use with HyperSep SPE columns and HyperSep-96 well plates. HYPERSEP-96- VACUUM MANIFOLD

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Retain CX Cartridges

Achieve consistent, high recoveries for basic compounds with these Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Retain CX Cartridges. X30 HYPERSEP Retain-CX 150MG/6MLSPE Column

Avantor™ BAKERBOND Speedisk™ H2O-Philic DVB Extraction Disk

Maximize capacity, adsorption and SPE speed. Avantor BAKERBOND Speedisk Extraction Disk H2O-Philic DVB are neither cartridge nor membrane that provides an excellent SPE tool for environmental samples and combines a thin bed of BAKERBOND sorbent with a special laminar configuration for testing drinking water, ground water, waste water, solid waste or process streams. X20 1 CV BAKERBOND SPEEDISK H2O-PHILIC BAKERBONDSPE

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Florisil Cartridges

Isolate polar compounds from nonpolar matrices with these Florisil SPE cartridges, which are especially well-suited for extraction of chlorinated pesticides.

X20 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep Florisil

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Verify CX Cartridges

Get improved analysis of drugs of abuse, including basic and neutral drugs, with these SPE cartridges featuring both nonpolar and ionic separation characteristics. X50 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep(tm)

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Diol Cartridges

Obtain excellent normal phase extraction of polar compounds with these diol SPE cartridges. X100 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep 96

JT Baker™ SPE disc C18 1mL 35mg, 1mL Baker


SPE accessory filtration columns with frits polypropylene 6mL Bakerbond


Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Dispersive SPE Clean-up Products (QuEChERS)

Save time and achieve more accurate pesticide determinations using these pre-prepared dispersive SPE products for QuEChERS clean-up.

X10 2ML CT PK10 150MgSO425PSA7.5GCB

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ C18 Cartridges

Get improved retention for most nonpolar compounds and organic analytes in aqueous matrices with these hydrophobic reversed phase C18 cartridges.

X10 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep 10g bed

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Empty Well Plates

These empty 96-well plates are used with Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep 96-well plate applications. X40 SPE PLATE MULTI-SEP EMPTY

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Pressure Manifold Air Filter

Prevent contaminants in the air source from entering the manifold system. IN LINE AIR FILTER PP MANIFOLD

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ HPLC Columns for Online SPE

Clean-up and concentrate target analytes in minutes with these columns combining SPE chemistries with traditional HPLC column fittings and hardware. 2.1x20mm Retain PEP online-SPE

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Silica Cartridges

Retain analytes in nonpolar matrices, and separate compounds of very similar structure with these silica SPE cartridges. X10 HYPERSEP SILICA 20G/75ML

Thermo Scientific™ SMART Digest™ Trypsin Kits

Obtain fast, simple, and highly reproducible trypsin protein digestion for peptide characterization and quantitation in biopharmaceutical protein research.

SMART Digest Kit Trypsin, Magnetic Bulk Resin

Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ SCX Cartridges

Obtain excellent performance for extraction of charged basic compounds with these strong cation exchanges SPE cartridges. X100 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep(tm)
