Flow Cytometry

Invitrogen™ Countess™ Cell Counting Chamber Slides

Designed for use with Countess Automated Cell Counter CHAMBER SLIDES COUNTESS 2,500 COUNTS

Molecular Probes™ Molecular Probes™ CountBright™ Absolute Counting Beads, for Flow Cytometry

CountBright™ Absolute Counting Beads, for flow cytometry COUNTBRIGHT ABSOLUTE COUNTINGCountBright absolute counting beads are a

eBioscience™ UltraComp eBeads

Designed for use in compensation with all fluorochromes excited by ultraviolet, violet, blue, green, yellow-green, and red lasers. UltraComp eBeads™ react with antibodies of mouse, rat, and hamster origin, and are immunoglobulin light chain-independent. 1 drop (50μL)/test. 25TEST UltraComp eBeads

Applied Biosystems™ Attune™ Acoustic Focusing Cytometer Auto Sampler Upgrade Kit

Attune™ Acoustic Focusing Cytometer Auto Sampler Upgrade Kit Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer Auto SamplerUpgrade Kit, each

Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ Polystyrene Microspheres, 1.0μm, blue-green fluorescent (430/465), for tracer studies

FluoSpheres™ Polystyrene Microspheres, 1.0 µm, blue-green fluorescent (430/465), for tracer studies FLUOSPHERES(R) POLYSTYRENThe blue-green fluorescent (430/465) 1.0 µm

eBioscience™ OneComp eBeads

Spherical particles that can be stained with individual fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies for use as single-color compensation controls. OneComp eBeads react with antibodies of mouse, rat and hamster origin, and are immunoglobulin light chain-independent. 1 drop (50μL)/test 25TEST OneComp eBeads

Applied Biosystems™ Dynabeads™ anti-E. coli O157

Dynabeads Anti-E. coli O157 5 ML DYNABEADS(R) ANTI-E.COLI O157 1ML SHIPPINGambient

Thermo Scientific™ Fluoro-Max Dyed Blue Aqueous Fluorescent Particles

Achieve improved sensitivity and detectability in analytical methods with internally dyed microspheres that feature bright, high-contrast colors. 90ML BLUE FL PS 0.15UM 1% Flouro-Max Color - DyedMicrosphere Suspensions

eBioscience™ Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer

Designed for use in immunofluorescent staining protocols of cells in suspension. Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer is a buffered saline solution containing fetal bovine serum and sodium azide (0.09%) as a preservative. X200ml Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer

Molecular Probes™ CML Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 10μm

CML Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 10 µm CML LATEX, 4% W/V 10 UMThese 10 µm carboxylate modified (CML) latex

Thermo Scientific™ Fluoro-Max Dyed Green Aqueous Fluorescent Particles

Improve sensitivity and detectability for analytical methods with green aqueous fluorescent particles. 90ML GREEN FL PS 0.085UM 1% Flouro-Max Color - Dyed Microsphere Suspensions

Thermo Scientific™ 3000 Series Nanosphere™ Size Standards

Conveniently check the sizes of bacteria, viruses, ribosomes and sub-cellular components with these size standards. 15ML PS NIST 80NM 1% NIST Standard 3 - Nanospheres Polymer

Attune™ NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer, blue

Attune™ NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer, blue Attune NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer, blue

Molecular Probes™ Flow Cytometry Sub-micron Particle Size Reference Kit

Flow Cytometry Sub-micron Particle Size Reference Kit Flow Cytometry Sub-micron Particle Size kit 6x2mL

Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ Polystyrene Microspheres, 1.0μm, red fluorescent (580/605), for tracer studies

FluoSpheres™ Polystyrene Microspheres, 1.0 µm, red fluorescent (580/605), for tracer studies FLUOSPHERES(R) POLYSTYRENThe red fluorescent (580/605) 1.0 µm FluoSpheres

Invitrogen™ eBioscience™ 123count eBeads

Intended for use in absolute counting of cells or other particles by flow cytometry. 123count eBeads are 7μm microparticles containing encapsulated dyes compatible with blue (488nm) and violet (405nm) excitation sources and emitting fluorescence between approximately 500nm and 750nm. 100TEST 123count eBeads

Molecular Probes™ CellROX™ Green Flow Cytometry Assay Kit

CellROX™ Green Flow Cytometry Assay Kit CellROX Green Flow Cytometry Assay Kit

Molecular Probes™ MitoProbe™ Transition Pore Assay Kit, for flow cytometry

MitoProbe™ Transition Pore Assay Kit, for flow cytometry MITOPROBE TRANSITION PORE ASSAfor flow cytometry 100 assays

Thermo Scientific™ Fluoro-Max™ Fluorescent Carboxylate-Modified Particles

Lower detection limits of fluorescent assays by limiting background interference from relatively short-lived matrix fluorescence. X3 Fluoro-Max Fluorescent particle sample pack Flouro-Max EUCM - Flouro-Max Fluorescent

BD FACSFlow™ Sheath Fluid

Used with FACS™ flow cytometer systems. BD™ FACSFlow™ Sheath Fluid is a consumable system fluid designed for use in the sheath reservoir. Fill reservoir to 75% level for optimal performance. This system fluid is provided in a 20L bulk container for frequent use. 20L FACSFlow Sheath Fluid

Thermo Scientific™ 4000 Series Monosized Particles

Minimize response of analytic systems to shape effects with monosized particles. 15ML PS NIST 1.8UM 1% NIST Standard 4 - Duke Standards Monosized

Molecular Probes™ Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Green Stain

Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Green Stain DYECYCLE GREEN STAIN 400µL STORE AT -20°C

Molecular Probes™ Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Orange Stain

Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Orange Stain DYECYCLE ORANGE STAIN 400µL STORE AT -20°C

Molecular Probes™ Bacteria Counting Kit, for flow cytometry

Bacteria Counting Kit, for flow cytometry BACTERIA COUNTING KIT FOR FLOThe Bacteria Counting Kit accurately enumerates

Molecular Probes™ Aliphatic Amine Latex Beads, 2% w/v, 0.4μm

Aliphatic Amine Latex Beads, 2% w/v, 0.4 µm ALIPHATIC AMINE LATEX, 2% W/VThis 0.4 µm Aliphatic Amine latex has a high

Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.2μm, Europium luminescent (365/610), 0.5% solids

FluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.2 µm, Europium luminescent (365/610), 0.5% solids FLUOSPHERES(R) CARBOXYLATThe europium fluorescent (365/610) 0.2 µm

Invitrogen™ ArC™ Amine Reactive Compensation Bead Kit (for use with LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable dead cell stain kits)

ArC™ Amine Reactive Compensation Bead Kit (for use with LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable dead cell stain kits) ARC AMINE REACTIVE COMPENSATIOThe ArC Bead Kit (A10346) is a tool to complement

Molecular Probes™ AbC™ Total Antibody Compensation Bead Kit

AbC™ Total Antibody Compensation Bead Kit X100 Total Antibody Compensation Beads

Molecular Probes™ TransFluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.04μm (633/720), 2% solids

TransFluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.04 µm (633/720), 2% solids TRANSFLUOSPHERES(R) CARBOmicrospheres, 0.04 µm (633/720), 0.5 ml

Invitrogen™ LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain Kit

Invitrogen™ LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain Kit is used to determine the viability of cells prior to the fixation and permeabilization required for intracellular antibody staining or prior to elimination of biohazardous materials using formaldehyde fixation. Live/Dead Fix NIR 80
