Enzymes and Inhibitors

Thermo Scientific™ BclI

Cut at T^GATCA sites with BclI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 55°C in G buffer (Isoschizomers: FbaI, Ksp22I). BCLI 10U/UL 3000U

Thermo Scientific™ PstI

The PstI restriction enzyme recognizes CTGCA^G sites and cuts best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: BspMAI). PSTI 10U/UL 10000U

Thermo Scientific™ Eco47I (AvaII)

The Eco47I (AvaII) restriction enzyme recognizes G^GWCC sites and cuts best at 37°C in R buffer (Isoschizomers: AvaII, Bme18I, SinI, VpaK11BI). ECO47I (AVAII) 10U/UL 800U

OPTIZYME™ SmaI, Fisher BioReagents™

Optizyme Sma I restriction enzyme

Thermo Scientific™ Hin1II (NlaIII)

Cut at CATG^ sites with Hin1II (NlaIII) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in G buffer (Isoschizomers: CviAII, FaeI, FatI, Hsp92II, NlaIII). 300 UNIT RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, HIN1II(NlaIII),5u/ul, cuts CATG¬ at 37°C (supplied with

Thermo Scientific™ Hin1I (BsaHI)

Cut at GR^CGYC sites with Hin1I (BsaHI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in G buffer (Isoschizomers: AcyI, BsaHI, BssNI, BstACI, Hsp92I). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, HIN1I (BSAHI),10u/uL, cuts GR¬CGYC at 37°C (supplied with 1mL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest HinfI

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes withthis advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. 400 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, HINFI,cuts G¬ANTC, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in5 minutes at

Thermo Scientific™ Kpn2I (BspEI)

The Kpn2I (BspEI) restriction enzyme recognizes T^CCGGA sites and cuts best at 55°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: AccIII, Aor13HI, BseAI, Bsp13I, BspEI, MroI). KPN2I (BSPEI) 10U/UL 500U

Thermo Scientific™ EcoRI

The EcoRI restriction enzyme recognizes G^AATTC sites and cuts best at 37°C in its own unique buffer. ECORI 50U/UL 25000U

Thermo Scientific™ BoxI (PshAI)

Cut at GACNN^NNGTC sites with BoxI (PshAI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: BstPAI, PshAI). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, BOXI (PSHAI),10u/ul, cuts GACNN¬NNGTC at 37°C (supplied with

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest PmlI (Eco72I)

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest Eco72I, 200µL

Thermo Scientific™ Alw26I (BsmAI)

Cut at GTCTC(1/5)^ sites with Alw26I (BsmAI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: BsmAI, BstMAI). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, ALW26I, 10U/µLcuts GTCTC(1/5)¬ at 37°C (supplied with 1mL of

OPTIZYME™ SphI (PaeI), Fisher BioReagents™

Optizyme Sph I restriction enzyme

Thermo Scientific™ AdeI (DraIII)

Cut at CACNNN^GTG sites with AdeI (DraIII) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in G buffer (Isoschizomers: DraIII). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, ADEI (DRAIII),10u/ul, cuts CACNNN¬GTG at 37°C (supplied with

Thermo Scientific™ Bsh1236I (BstUI)

Cut at CG^CG sites with Bsh1236I (BstUI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in R buffer (Isoschizomers: AccII, BspFNI, BstFNI, BstUI, MvnI). BSH1236I (BSTUI) 10U/UL 500U

Thermo Scientific™ Buffer G

Ensure the optimum reaction conditions for restriction enzymes with Thermo Scientific™ 10X Buffer G, premixed with BSA for enhanced stability. X10 BUFFER G 5X1ML

OPTIZYME™ AarI, Fisher BioReagents™

Optizyme Aar I restriction enzyme

Thermo Scientific™ Buffer EcoRI

Optimize digestions with EcoRI restriction enzyme using this buffer, premixed with BSA for enhanced stability. X10 BUFF ECORI 5X1ML

Thermo Scientific™ DraI

Cut at TTT^AAA sites with DraI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango buffer. 1500 UNIT RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, DRAI,10u/uL, cuts TTT¬AAA at 37°C (suppliedwith 1mL of

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest BstXI

Cut at CCANNNNN^NTGG sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ BstXI, which performs best at 55°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. 100 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, BSTXI,cuts CCANNNNN¬NTGG, 1µL cleaves 1µgDNA in 5 minute

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest Tru1I

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. 50 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, TRU1I, CUTST¬TAA,1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 5 minutes at 65°C

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest Eco91I

Cut at G^GTNACC sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ Eco91I, which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. FASTDIGEST ECO91I 200UL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest Bpu10I

Cut at CCTNAGC(-5/-2)^ sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ Bpu10l, which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. 20 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, BPU10I,cuts CCTNAGC(-5/-2)¬, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 15

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ NdeI

The FastDigest NdeI restriction enzyme recognizes CA^TATG sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: FauNDI). 300 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, NDEI, CUTSCA¬TATG, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 5 minutes at 37°C

Thermo Scientific™ MspI (HpaII)

The MspI (HpaII) restriction enzyme recognizes C^CGG sites and cuts best at 37°C in Tango buffer. MSPI (HPAII) 10U/UL 5X3000U

Thermo Scientific™ TaaI (HpyCH4III)

The TaaI (HpyCH4III) restriction enzyme recognizes ACN^GT sites and cuts best at 65°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: Bst4CI, HpyCH4III). 200 UNIT RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, TAAI(HpyCH4III), 10u/ul, cuts ACN¬GT at 65°C (supplied

Thermo Scientific™ BplI

Cut at ^(8/13)GAG(N)5CTC(13/8)^ sites with BplI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango(+SAM) buffer. BPLI 5U/UL 500U

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest AseI (VspI)

Cut at AT^TAAT sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ AseI (VspI), which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: PshBI). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest VspI, 200µL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest MspI

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes withthis advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. 400 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, MSPI, CUTSC¬CGG, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 5 minutes at 37°C

Thermo Scientific™ HpaII

The HpaII restriction enzyme recognizes C^CGG sites and cuts best at 37°C in Tango buffer. HPAII 10U/UL 1000U
