Tubes PCR
Eppendorf™ Tubes PCR de 0.5 ml
La finesse des parois (épaisseur uniforme) et la surface lisse de ces tubes assurent un transfert de chaleur efficace vers l’échantillon. Les tubes PCR Eppendorf™ sont faciles à ouvrir tout en assurant une bonne étanchéité afin d’empêcher l’évaporation au cours de la PCR. X1000 MICROTUBE 0,5ML PAROI MINCE
Thermo Scientific™ 0.2 mL Strip Tubes
Optimize PCR and qPCR with these 0.2 mL strip tubes, available as 8 tubes per strip in several colors or 12 tubes per strip. X120 BARRETTE 8X0,2ML DOME BLEU
Axygen™ Tubes PCR 8 barrettes Axygen™
Disponibles dans une variété de couleurs pour faciliter l’identification des échantillons. Les barrettes de 8 tubes PCR Axygen™ de 0.2 ml sont fabriquées en PP robuste. Chaque tube conique non stérile présente une épaisseur de paroi mince et constante. Vendues sans bouchon ou avec des bouchons plats ou bombés pour éviter toute perte d’échantillon. X125 BARRETTE 8X0,2ML PCR VIOLETVIOLET
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Cap Strips
Tight seal minimizes evaporation and contamination FG,OPTICAL CAP (8 CAPS/STRIPS)For Research Use Only. All usage must comply with
Fisherbrand™ Tubes PCR à bouchon bombé et plat 0.2 ml
Avec bouchon “à clipser” intégral X1000 TUBE PCR 0,2ML DOME JAUNE
Fisherbrand™ Bandes de tube PCR 0.2 ml
Compatibles avec les thermocycleurs à fond en V de 0.2 ml et 96 puits X250 BARRETTE 8X0,2ML CAP DOM ROUG
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Tube Strip with Attached Optical Caps, 0.2 mL
For tube strips with domed caps for PCR experiments using 1 or 2 strips that require the use of the 96-well tray (Cat. No. 4379983) on the ProFlex™, SimpliAmp™, and Veriti™ thermal cycler 96-well blocks. X125 MicroAmp Optical 8-Tube Strip with Attached Optical Caps, 0.2 mL
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ 8-Cap Strip
Designed to fit on MicroAmp reaction tubes, tube strips, and 96-well plates BULKPACK MICROAMP CAPS,
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Fast 8-Tube Strip, 0.1mL
Maximized thermal conductivity reduces PCR amplification times FAST RCTN TUBES(8 TUBES/STRIP)
Tubes PCR Axygen™ avec bouchon plat 0.5 ml
Épaisseur de paroi mince et constante pour un transfert thermique de précision X1000 TUBE PCR 0,5ML CAP PLAT VERTmicrotube PCR Axygen
Thermo Scientific™ Tubes individuels 0.2 ml
0.2 mL individual tubes with attached flat or dome snap shut caps, available in a variety of colors X1000 TUBE PCR 0,2ML DOME VERT
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Tube Strip, 0.2mL
Maximized thermal conductivity FG,TUBE 8-STRING OPTICALFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Tube Strip with Attached Domed Caps, 0.2 mL
For tube strips with domed caps for PCR experiments using 1 or 2 strips that require the use of the 96-well tray. 125X MicroAmp 8-Tube Strip 0.2mL with Domed Caps
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ 8-Tube Strip, 0.2mL
Tubes precisely fit industry standard well spacing MICROAMP 8-STRIP RXN TUBES,
Axygen™ Tubes PCR à bouchon plat, 0,2 ml
Conçus pour s’adapter aux blocs à 96 puits standard. Les tubes PCR Axygen™ de 0.2 ml à bouchon plat sont fabriqués en PP non stérile. Chaque tube conique est doté d’une épaisseur de paroi mince et constante. Le bouchon s’ajuste parfaitement, permettant de protéger le contenu et d’éviter l’évaporation. Disponibles dans un assortiment de couleurs. X1000 TUBE PCR 0,2ML CAP PLAT ASSASS
Thermo Scientific™ Tubes individuels 0.5 ml
Minimize sample loss with the “snap shut” lids on these individual 0.5mL tubes for PCR applications. X1000 TUBE PCR 0,5ML PLAT BLEU
BrandTech™ x450 Microtube PP IVD 1,5 ml lid ST
Manufactured from virgin polypropylene. BrandTech™ BIO-CERT™ RNase, DNase, DNA-Free Microcentrifuge Tubes are highly translucent and free from flash, air bubbles, and streaks. Fit most common rotors and may be spun up to 30,000 RCF. Flat snap caps form a tight, leak-free, easy-open seal with consistent thickness for trouble-free piercing. x450 Microtube PP IVD 1,5 ml lid ST
Tubes PCR Axygen™ avec bouchon à dôme 0.2 ml
Thin and consistent wall thickness for precise thermal transfer X1000 TUBE PCR 0,2ML CAP DOME JAUmicrotube PCR Axygen
Easy snap and lock caps X250 BARRETTE 4X0,07ML +CAP PCRPCR
Invitrogen™ Conical Tubes, 15mL, Racked
RNase- and DNase-free and autoclavable 15 ML CONICAL TUBES (RACKED)
Fisherbrand™ Tubes PCR à bouchon plat 0.5 ml
With integral “snap shut” cap X1000 TUBE PCR 0,5ML PLAT VERT
Thermo Scientific™ ABgene™ EasyStrip™ Plus Tube Strip with Attached Flat Caps
The Thermo Scientific™ EasyStrip™ Plus Tube Strip with Attached Flat Caps is designed to reduce the risk of cross-contamination in PCR assays.
250 strip EasyStrip Plus Tube with Attached FlatCaps
Invitrogen™ RNase-free Microfuge Tubes, 1.5mL
Autoclavable 1.5 ML RNASE-FREE TUBES
Eppendorf™ Barrettes de tubes et de bouchons Masterclear™ pour PCR en temps réel
All the benefits of white reflective wells in a PCR-tube format x120 cap strips,domed
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Reaction Tube with Cap, 0.2mL
Designed to maximize sample recovery BULKPACK MICROAMP RXN TUBES
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Fast Reaction Tube with Cap, 0.1mL
Reduce PCR reaction time to as little as 25 minutes FG,FAST REACTION TUBE WITH CAP
BrandTech™ Microtubes non stériles BRAND avec bouchons
Fits most common rotors and may be spun up to 30,000 RCF. BrandTech™ BRAND™ Non-Sterile Microcentrifuge Tubes are highly translucent and free from flash, air bubbles, and streaks. Polypropylene flat snap caps form a tight, leak-free, easy-open seal. Tubes have a uniform wall thickness for consistent, repeatable results. X500 TUBE A CENT. PP IVD 1,5ML OROR
Barrette de 12 tubes et bouchons de PCR Axygen™
Manufactured from 99.9% pure virgin polypropylene 0.2ml Thin Wall Clear PCR Strip Tubes and FlatStrip Caps,12 Tubes/Caps strip VE=800
Tubes et plaques PCR
Réalisez efficacement des applications à l’aide de tubes et de plaques PCR Thermo Scientific™, moulés à partir de polypropylène 100 % vierge. X1000 tube,.2ml pcr, w/flat cap, grn
Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ 8-Tube Strip, 0.2mL, Assorted Colors
Precisely fits industry standard well spacing 200 UL MICROAMP 8-TUBE STRIP, ASSORTED COLOURS0.2mL Store at room temperature