Tissue Fixatives

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ ProLong™ Gold Antifade Mountant

Liquid mountant applied directly to fluorescently labeled cell or tissue samples on microscope slides X5 Prolong gold antifade reagent 2mL Store at -20CProLong® Gold antifade reagent is an improved

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ SlowFade™ Antifade Kit

Protects dyes from fading (photobleaching) during fluorescence microscopy experiments SLOWFADE(R) ANTIFADE KITThe SlowFade® Antifade Kit contains two

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ SlowFade™ Gold Antifade Mountant

Protects fluorescent dyes from fading (photobleaching) during fluorescence microscopy experiments SLOWFADE GOLD ANTIFADE REAGENT

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Unbuffered Zinc Formalin

Achieve similar results to 10% formalin with Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Unbuffered Zinc Formalin. X1000 Pipettor tips Matrix Tall Tip (44mm) polypro

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ ProLong™ Antifade Kit

Allows longer-term storage of the sample PROLONG(R) ANTIFADE KITProLong® Antifade Kit provides an antifade

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer

Apply directly to slides or coverslips containing fixed and permeabilized cell or tissue samples prior to staining with fluorescent probes SIGNAL ENHANCER IMAGE-IT (10ML)

Molecular Probes™ Alexa Fluor™ Image-iT™ ProLong™ FX Kit No.15

Improves signal-to-noise ratio NO, 15 FX KIT 00

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan™ Parapel™ Paraffin Repellent

Protect against excess buildup of wax on countertops and instrumentation with Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Parapel™ Paraffin Repellent. Paraffin, Repellant, 6x4oz

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Xylene Substitute Mountant

Employ all routine xylene-substitute clearing agents with the Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Xylene Substitute Mountant. Sl Prep,XylSubMountant,2x500ML

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Rapid-Fixx™ Formalin

Obtain quick results with this formalin. Excellent for antigenic preservation, avoids the need for enzyme digestion, and rapidly penetrates into tissue. X2 1LT Rapid Fixx formalin, for antigenic preserva
