Nucleic Acid Purification

Invitrogen™ PureLink™ PCR Purification Kit

No tedious gel purification necessary PURELINK PCR PURIFICATION KIT

Invitrogen™ PureLink™ Genomic DNA Mini Kit

No detectable contamination from carryover of protein or guanidine PURELINK GENOMIC DNA KIT (250)The PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit enables

GE Healthcare illustra™ GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit

Amplify whole genomes with high efficiency and representation. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ illustra™ GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit provides whole genome amplification with yields of 4 to 7μg. ILLUSTRA GENOMIPHI V2 DNA AMPLIFICATION KIT 25reactions25reactions Store in freezer at -80C

Merck™ Montage™ Gel Extraction Kit

Elutes DNA from agarose gels in 10 minutes X50 DNA Gel Extraction Kit (nits)

GE Healthcare illustra™ NAP™ Columns, NAP-5

Use for rapid and efficient purification of DNA and oligonucleotides (>10-mer) in less than 15 minutes by gravity flow. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ illustra™ NAP™ Columns are disposable columns prepacked with Sephadex™ G-25 DNA Grade X20 illustra NAP-5 columns 00

Invitrogen™ TE Buffer

Component in PureLink 96 Plasmid Purification System 100ML TE BUFFER

Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ 0.5M EDTA, pH 8.0

Sterile-filtered solution X4 EDTA buffer solution pH 8 in plastic container,

GE Healthcare ProbeQuant™ G-50 Micro Columns

For rapid purification of labeled DNA (>20 bases) from unincorporated labeled nucleotides in a volume of 25 to 50μL.  GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ ProbeQuant™ G-50 Micro Columns use spin-column chromatography. X50 PROBEQUANTTM G-50 MICRO COL 5

MP Biomedicals™ FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil

Isolates DNA from cells present in soil or other environmental samples.   MP Biomedicals™ FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil extracts DNA easily in a 2mL tube. 50PREP DNA PURIFICATION KIT (1KIT)

Invitrogen™ PureLink™ Viral RNA/DNA Mini Kit

Specifically designed to isolate high-quality viral nucleic acids from variety of RNA and DNA viruses 50 RXN PURELINK VIRAL RNA/DNA MINI KIT 50RXNSDDNSA # days = 210 CDNSA # days = 90 Special

Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ TBE Buffer, 10X

Compatible with agarose gels TBE BUFFER, 10X

Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ 1 M Tris-HCI Buffer, pH 7.5

Pre-mixed, pH-adjusted, sterile-filtered solution 1 LT TRIS-HYDROCHLORIDE BUFFER SOLUTION PH 7.5 1Min plastic container, E-Z hold Store at 2-8C

Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ 1M Tris-HCI Buffer, pH 8.0

Pre-mixed, pH-adjusted, sterile-filtered solutions 1 LT TRIS-HYDROCHLORIDE BUFFER SOLUTION PH 8.0 1Min plastic container, E-Z hold Store at 2-8C

Thermo Scientific™ MagJET™ Separation Rack

The MagJET separation rack allows fast and efficient procedures for magnetic bead-based nucleic acid isolation and affinity purification workflows. MAGJET RACK, 4X50 ML

Invitrogen™ PureLink™ PCR Micro Kit

Silica Spin Column PURELINK PCR MICRO KIT - 250

Thermo Scientific™ GeneJET™ Gel Extraction Kit

Perform silica membrane-based DNA fragment purification from standard or low-melting point agarose gels run in either TAE or TBE buffer. GENEJET GEL EXTR 250PREP

Thermo Scientific™ Glycogen, molecular biology grade

Increase the recovery of nucleic acids during preciptation with this inert carrier. X2 GLYCOGEN 0.25ML

Invitrogen™ PureLink™ Genomic Wash Buffer I

Allows highest DNA binding of any column method 100 ML PURELINK(TM) GENOMIC WASH BUFFER I 100MLStore at room temp

GE Healthcare illustra™ MicroSpin™ G-25 Columns

Use for the rapid purification of DNA >10 base pairs in length in a wide range of applications. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ llustra™ MicroSpin™ G-25 Columns are ideal for desalting, buffer exchange, and removal of unincorporated nucleotides from end-labeled oligonucleotides.  X50 MICROSPIN G-25 columns 00

MP Biomedicals™ Lysing Matrix D, Bulk

Lysing Matrix D is used primarily for lysis of softer tissues like brain, liver, kidney, lung, and spleen. Also used to lyse plant tissue such a leaves, roots, and fruits, as well as cultured cells and whole insects. 500GR LYSING MATRIX D CERAMIC BEADS

GE Healthcare Whatman™ Non-indicating FTA Classic Cards

Lyses cells on contact, denatures proteins and protects DNA from degradation. Whatman™ Non-indicating FTA Classic Cards contain chemical denaturants and a free radical scavenger keeping DNA tightly bound while proteins and inhibitors are washed from the matrix. X25 FTA CLASSIC CARD

GE Healthcare illustra™ NAP™ Columns, NAP-25

Use for rapid and efficient purification of DNA and oligonucleotides (>10-mer) in less than 15 minutes by gravity flow. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ illustra™ NAP™ Columns are disposable columns prepacked with Sephadex™ G-25 DNA Grade X50 NAP-25 50 ST

Invitrogen™ DNAzol™ Reagent

Isolation of genomic DNA from solid and liquid samples DNAZOL REAGENT

Thermo Scientific™ GeneJET Viral DNA and RNA Purification Kit

Perform silica membrane-based viral nucleic acid purification from human and mammalian plasma, serum, blood, and cell-free samples. 50PREP GeneJET Viral DNA and RNA purification kit50 reactions

Thermo Scientific™ GeneJET™ DNA Purification Kit

Perform silica membrane-based genomic DNA purification from mammalian cell culture and tissue samples, whole blood, bacteria and yeast. GENEJET GENOMIC KIT 250 PREP

Invitrogen™ Rhinohide™ Polyacrylamide Gel Strengthener Concentrate

Strengthens gels for easier handling and resistance to tearing RHINOHIDE(TM) POLYACRYLAMRhinohide polyacrylamide gel strengthener

Invitrogen™ Stabilized Blood-to-CT™ Nucleic Acid Preparation Kit for qPCR, Tempus Blood RNA Tubes

Purification time is less than one hour STAB BLD-TO-CT NA PREP TEMPUS

Invitrogen™ ChargeSwitch™ Purification Buffer (N5)

Scalable for single-tube use or for automated extraction CST PURIFICATION BUFFER N5

Invitrogen™ PureLink™ Pro Quick96 Plasmid Purification Kit

Combines advanced silica plate extraction chemistry with an optimized 96-well plate design for manual or automated processing of plasmid DNA from E. coli in as little as 45 minutes X2304 PURELINK 96 PLASMID PURIF KIT
