Timers, Clocks, and Stopwatches

Fisherbrand™ LCD Timer with Nano Counter

Displays countdown alarm time/stopwatch (count-up) time and time of day. Fisherbrand™ LCD Timer with Nano Counter includes memory feature for repetitive use, large, easy-to-read digits, clip, stand and magnet on back. TIMER TRACEABLE 60MM X 50MM COUNTS UP/down with alarm

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Kaleidoscope Stopwatches

Digital stopwatches with choice of six translucent colors—color code to a specific test or instrument. Fisherbrand Traceable Kaleidoscope Stopwatch displays time of day in hour, minute, and second, AM/PM, date, and day of the week. TIMER 24H RÖD FP=3

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Nano™ Timer

Offers ultra-small size with intuitive operation TRACEABLE NANO TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Alchemist™ Wall Clock

Uses symbols such as Fire, Earth and Brandy, found in manuscripts and notebooks of medieval scientists CLOCK ALCHEMIST'S CLOCK SLIM FLATpanel, vivid colours, supplied with wall mounting

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Benchtop Timer: 100-Minute

One timing channel and single-line display TRACEABLE® 99M/59S TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Big-Digit Timer/Stopwatch

Set four separate channels from 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds to one second. Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Big Digit Timer/Stopwatch sounds an alarm when zero is reached and then starts counting up. TRACEABLE 4-CHANNEL ALARM TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Electronic Timer Clock: 10-Hour

One-channel benchtop timer with 1-second resolution and 0.01% accuracy TRACEABLE TRIPLE-PURPOSE TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Countdown Stopwatch

Ideal stopwatch to use for an analysis that must be noted at routine intervals. Fisherbrand Traceable Countdown Stopwatch is a unique stopwatch that provides countdown and alarm timing in preprogrammed increments of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 minutes. This unit also has a pacer. STOPWATCH COUNTDOWN FROM 99 HOURS TO1 second preprogrammed countdownincrements supplie

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Instant-Recall Memory Timer

Designed specifically for routine tests, quality control requirements and repetitive analysis TRACEABLE INSTANT-RECALL MEM TIMER

Brannan™ LCD Display Triple Timer and Clock

Counts down from and up to 20 hours with alarm. Brannan™ LCD Display Triple Timer and Clock can run all three timers simultaneously. includes 12/24 hour clock with back clip, stand, and magnet. Timer LCD triple timer

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Countup Benchtop Timers

Handheld with a rugged ABS plastic case TRACEABLE DIGITAL BENCH TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Seymour Blue™ Traceable™ Analog Radio Atomic Wall Clock

Accurate to 1/10,000 of a second Wall Clock Blue Is Good

Fisherbrand™ Mechanical Timers

Wind up, analog timers eliminate batteries. Fisherbrand Mechanical Timers are adjustable from 0 to 60 min. with 1 minute increments. TIMER SX-TIMER FROM 0 MINUTES TO 60minutes, easy to read ABS chemical resistant

Fisherbrand™ Eight-Channel Alarm Timer

Features a clock and a stopwatch mode 8-CHANNEL ALARM TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Two-Channel Benchtop Timer with Dual-Line LCD

Functions as a stopwatch and a clock TRACEABLE JUMBO TIMER (BLACK)

Fisherbrand™ SX-Timer™ and Quick-Timer™ Pocket Timers

Easy-to-read and use without buttons, batteries or confusing settings. Fisherbrand SX-Timer and Quick-Timer Pocket Timers can be adjusted from 1 to 60 minutes in one-minute increments. WIND-UP TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Handheld Timers with Key-Ring Clip

For general-purpose timing applications TRACEABLE DIGITAL TIMER PLUS

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Stopwatch/Repeat Timer

Ideal for an analysis that must be noted at routine intervals STOPWATCH COUNTDOWN FROM 10 HOURS TO1/10 second eight memories 60mm x 60mm x 12.7mm

Fisherbrand™ Dial Benchtop Timers

Selecting time winds timer TIMER 60 MINUTE, MECHANICAL CHEMICALresistant 76mm x 89mm x 51mm

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Benchtop Timer: 24-Hour

Displays in seconds for last 10 min. TRACEABLE MEMORY TIMER

Cole-Parmer™ Digi-Sense™ Traceable™ Flashing LED Big-Digit Timer with Calibration

Green LED flashes for the last 10 seconds, then flashes red at zero Cole-Parmer Flashing LED Big-Digit Timers

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Decimal Stopwatch

Precise, Traceable timing for enzyme tests, viscosity measurements, animal studies, and all timed lab tests. Fisherbrand Traceable Decimal Stopwatch is tough with water-resistant ABS plastic case which seals out moisture, dust, and fumes encountered in harsh lab, plant, or field environments. STOPWATCH DECIMAL, FOUR TIMING FORMATS, alarm, tough water resistant ABS plastic case

Fisherbrand™ Single-Action Stopwatch™

Simple and intuitive to use. STOPWATCH 13 JEWEL SINGLE BUTTONstart, stop and reset metal housing 51mm x 13mm,

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Water-Resistant Timer

Ideal for wet labs, washdown areas, plants, and field use TRACEABLE® WATER RESISTANT TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Economy Stopwatch

A universal stopwatch with varied functions for general use. BIG SCREEN STOPWATCH

Fisherbrand™ 3-Channel Countdown Timer

Runs three separate timers simultaneously. Fisherbrand™ 3-Channel Countdown Timer counts down from a maximum of 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds on each clock. Provides both audible and visual alarm. STOPWATCH 3 CHANNELS

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Flashing LED Big-Digit Dual Channel Timer

Times two different activities simultaneously TRACEABLE® FLASHING LED ALERT BIG-

Fisherbrand™ Seymour Blue™ Traceable™ Multi-Colored Timer

Features Automatic Bounceback™ Memory for repetitive timing MR.BLUE MULTI-COLORED TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Triple-Display Timer

Three-line display permits countdown of three tests simultaneously TRACEABLE TRIPLE-DISPLAY TIMER

Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ Giant-Digit Timer

Digital display provides clear visibility from 40 ft. TRACEABLE GIANT COUNTDOWN TIMER
