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Disposable samplers | for the highest standards in sampling


Sampling for monitoring and analysis plays a large and important role for quality assurance in modern production processes. Very precise material analyses can be carried out using technical methods. However samples must first be taken professionally as taking samples incorrectly leads to inaccurate and therefore worthless analysis results. The purity of the sampler and devices used is a significant factor here. This is because the sample taken must not be affected by external factors as even the smallest external contaminations can falsify the examination result.

Disposable samplers are an alternative. These individually packaged plastic samplers are manufactured under clean room conditions and are even available optionally as sterilised samplers. Disposable samplers do not have to be cleaned before or after sampling as they are disposed of after use.

Reasons to use disposable samplers

  • Cleaning reusable samplers is a demanding and often complicated task, with greasy, strongly adhesive or toxic substances. Sometimes the task is even impossible
  • Work processes do not have to be interrupted by cleaning
  • Cross contamination is completely eliminated
  • The cleaning method does not need to be validated in audits
  • Time and money are saved

The Bürkle single-use sampling range

To maintain the highest standards with regard to purity and sterility, Bürkle has developed a single-use sampler product line. These disposable samplers from the LaboPlast™ and SteriPlast™ brands are produced, mounted and individually packed in a class 7 clean room (10,000). The SteriPlast™ samplers are then sterilised with gamma rays. All products feature EU food approval and FDA approval.


Scoops, spoons and spatulas

Bürkle SteriPlast™ products – scoops, spatulas and spoons – are high-quality, ergonomically shaped disposable products that are specially designed and optimised for sampling purposes. They are produced, assembled and individually packed in Bürkle’s own cleanroom and then sterilised by gamma rays (min. 10 kGy).


Disposable samplers for foodstuff - blue and detectable

The shade of blue that is used does not occur in a natural form in foodstuff. Because of this, blue products or parts of them can be quickly found and easily identified in a visual check if they are ever mixed into production.

The detectable versions are not only coloured blue but also have a special additive in the material that makes them visible to metal detectors or X rays. These products can therefore be rejected with standard systems for checking for foreign objects, even though they are made of plastic.



Bürkle disposable samplers – DispoSampler – are used to take samples of liquids, viscous media, powders and granulates. Target point samples can be taken, all-layer and cross-section samples, as well as small and large sample quantities.


Spoon spatula and Micro-spatula

The spoon spatula is a double spatula with a 0.5 ml spoon and a 17 mm spoon blade and the Micro-spatula is a double scoop spatula with rounded ends, contains 1.0 and 0.25 ml.

Specially designed for disposable use, resistant to chemicals and corrosion-proof.

Cleanroom manufactured, available either in a large package with 100 pieces or 100 pieces packaged individually and sterilised by gamma rays.


SteriPlast Kit

The SteriPlast™ Kit is the ideal combination for sampling where purity and sterility is essential.

All parts are sterilised by gamma rays and suitable for use with foodstuffs.

The sampling set SteriPlast™ Kit consists of ten sample spatulas or ten sample scoops and ten SteriBag Premium tamper-proof sample bags.

Buerkle Dispodipper


Sampling tube manufactured in a clean room specially designed for disposable use. Due to the blue colour, it is also perfect for use in the food, animal feed and pharmaceutical industries.

DispoDipper is completely manufactured in one piece and can be used for sampling and subsequent transport of the sample in one device. In this way, cross-contamination or sample impurities are almost impossible.




Dangerous liquids must never be filled off by directly pouring them out. Even the use of a funnel does not provide the required degree of safety when bottling dangerous liquids

  • Increased accident risk by slipping on dirty floors.
  • Skin diseases or poisoning by spilt chemicals.
  • Health hazard from harmful vapours.

Safety during bottling must be the number one priority – for your own personal protection!

This means that purchasing a suitable pump for filling off hazardous liquids is an investment in the safety and health of your employees which pays for itself in a very short time.

Choosing the right pump

Apart from the size and type of the container, the required pump capacity and the suitability of the pump for the particular medium are important considerations for choosing the right pump. The pump does not only have to be resistant to the medium to be bottled, but specific occupational safety and environmental protection regulations must also be considered.

Pump capacity

Electric pumps are the first choice for filling off large quantities at a fixed location. Their higher pumping capacity saves times and requires less manual effort. However, the purchase of an expensive electric barrel pump does not always pay for itself; there is often no on-site mains supply, e.g. in the open air, during assembly or in the equipment storage facility. Manual pumps are an interesting alternative to electric pumps for filling off small quantities due to their independence from a power supply and because they mean value for money.


Container size and container type

Pumps that work according to the excess pressure principle are suitable for filling off the required quantities from canisters and small drums up to a capacity of approx. 60 litres. Air is pumped into the container using a pumping ball or pumping piston. This creates excess pressure in the container and the liquid is transported out via the immersion tube.


Barrel pumps are suitable for larger barrels and open containers. They draw in the liquid and then eject it. This family of pumps is characterised by their robust construction with a good pumping capacity and simple handling. Different immersion tube lengths mean that the pumps fit all the usual commercially available containers. Low-mounted suction valves ensure that almost all the residual liquid is removed.


The most suitable pumps are robust industrial pumps made from top-quality materials such as polypropylene (PP) for acids and alkalis, or stainless steel V2A (1.4301) for flammable liquids. We always recommend the use of PTFE seals. Always check that the material is resistant to the medium to be pumped.

Bürkle offers a wide range of pumping devices for manually removing liquids from containers, canisters, drums and tanks.

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When taking samples, a random test is taken from an overall quantity. These samples serve as the basis for the analysis regarding quality assurance. The correct procedure for taking spot samples is therefore a very important subject. Only with representative and authentic samples can reliable information about the quality, properties or composition of a particular material be provided.

Very precise material analyses can be carried out with the most up-to-date technology. However, the technology is no good if an error occurs when the sample is taken and this error continues through all phases of the analysis, with the consequence that the final result of the quality check is wrong.

Correct information about the properties of a material can only be provided if the sample is taken properly and treated in the same way as in the subsequent analysis. The basic point is that the properties and composition of the sample quantity correspond exactly with the material quantity that has to be evaluated.

Sampling equipment

Choosing the right sampling equipment depends on many different selection criteria. It depends on the material properties of the sampler as well as on the type of sampling, the container or the site where the material is located, and the frequency with which the sampling has to be carried out. In addition to individual requirements for sampling, all equipment should fulfil the basic principles explained below:

Sampler material

The equipment should be made of inert substances from which no material can come loose and which does not react with other substances and therefore cannot contaminate the sample. The inert substance depends on the medium to be sampled. As a general rule, samplers made of stainless steel and high-quality plastic such as PTFE are very suitable.


Cleaning the sampling equipment

It should be easy and quick to clean the equipment and – under certain conditions – to sterilise it. In the food industry, sterile-packed disposable samplers are recommended which can be disposed of after use.

Processing the samplers

Samplers must not have any grooves or crevices because residual material collects in such crevices and cannot be easily removed. This means that cross-contamination and memory effects can no longer be ruled out.

Surface of the equipment

The samplers‘ surfaces have to be especially smooth, for example, electro-polished stainless steel or PTFE. This prevents material from being deposited and simplifies cleaning. When selecting the appropriate sampling equipment, you must ensure that it is finished properly on the inside. Equipment with only a smooth external surface will not meet any quality standards.

Bürkle offers various samplers for bulk goods, liquids, viscous substances, soil, ice and meat with comprehensive accessories and a large range of disposable and sterile sampling equipment.

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Plastic Labware

LaboPlast™ from Bürkle - the quality brand for laboratories and science

LaboPlast™ is the Bürkle brand for high-quality plastic products that have been specially designed and developed to optimally meet the demanding and in part special requirements in laboratories, industry and science.

Here LaboPlast™ stands for the best quality, excellent craftsmanship and outstanding material properties.

Test the products and get to know and appreciate our LaboPlast™ product lines!


SteriPlast™ from Bürkle

Bürkle SteriPlast™ products are high-quality, ergonomically shaped disposable products that are specially designed and optimised for sampling purposes. They are produced, assembled and individually packed in Bürkle’s own clean room and then sterilised by gamma rays (min. 10 kGy).

The SteriPlast™ products thus meet all the requirements for absolutely sterile sampling with first class certification.


Bürkle offers a wide range of laboratory equipment and laboratory articles made of plastic, trays, volume measuring equipment, funnels, fittings, hose connectors, bottles, boxes, canisters, containers etc. for all requirements and applications in the laboratory, in industry and in science.

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Special Offers

Buerkle™ Jerrycan en PEHD

Utilisez ces jerricans pour le stockage ou le transport de liquides. Les jerricans en PEHD Buerkle™ sont certifiés UN pour le transport et sont dotés d’un sceau d’inviolabilité. Bidon, HDPE bleu, UN, DIN60, 30 l

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Bol stérilisable

En polypropylène pour offrir résistance et stabilité. Les bols en PP Buerkle™ sont conçus avec un large bord pour éviter tout risque de chute. Cuvette laboratoire PP, 10l

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Flacons pulvérisateurs en PEHD sans pression avec pompe manuelle à longue durée de vie

En PP, PE et acier inox. Les flacons pulvérisateurs en PEHD sans pression Buerkle™ permettent de vaporiser un volume de 1.2 ml ± 0.1 par pulvérisation. Convient aux pesticides et détergents agricoles. Flacon vaporisateur, 250 ml, par pression: 1,2 ml

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Portoir pour flacons en PEHD

Permet de transporter jusqu’à six flacons d’un diamètre extérieur maximal de 95 mm. Les orifices situés sur les côtés du portoir pour flacons en polypropylène Buerkle™ permettent de le rincer et de le vidanger facilement. Porte-flacons pour 6 flacons de Ø max. 95 mm.

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Béchers empilables avec poignée et graduations bleues

Empilez les béchers inutilisés pour gagner de la place. Le bécher gradué empilable Buerkle™ à poignée ouverte permet d’évaluer facilement le volume grâce aux graduations bleues. Bécher d.mesure, empil., PP,1000ml,poignée ouverte

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Entonnoirs en plastique

Designed for general purpose use. Buerkle™ Plastic Funnels feature a suspension eyelet for safe filling. Entonnoir multi-usage, PE, Ø extérieur 60 mm

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Préleveur Vampir, complet .

Transportable, hose pump for liquids, independent of mains power. Ideal for sampling from barrels, tanks, wells, water separators and sewage and purification systems.Vampire is packed in a handy transport case with: drive unit, two rechargeable batteries, battery charger, LED lamp, bottle holder, bottle LDPE 250 ml, hose pump and 5 m hose made of PE. Préleveur Vampir, complet

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Bécher d’échantillonnage

Prélevez des liquides pour l’échantillonnage en associant le bécher au long manche. Les béchers d’échantillonnage Buerkle™ sont disponibles pour les laboratoires, l’industrie et le traitement des eaux. Bécher sur balancier, PP, 2000 ml

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Plateau de laboratoire anti-déversement

Compatibles avec les substances agressives dangereuses , pour les travaux de laboratoire, comme plateau de gravure, support d’instrument, plateau pour médicaments, outil de développement photographique, plateau de présentation d'échantillons ou de denrées alimentaires. Les plateaux de rétention de laboratoire BuerkleTM sont pratiques et polyvalents. Ils peuvent être imbriqués vides et sont incassables et résistants à la flexion. Cuvettes de laboratoire, int. Lxl 400x500mm, 21 l

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Porte-flacons en polypropylène

Pour toutes les bouteilles en plastique, verre ou métal de 88 mm de diamètre et 6 m de profondeur maximum. Le porte-flacons en polypropylène Buerkle™ dispose d’un manche télescopique conçu pour l’échantillonnage industriel et de traitement des eaux. Porte-Flacons, flacons jusquà Ø 88 mm

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Tige télescopique

Utilisez un joint clipsable pratique pour fixer la tige ou le tube télescopique Buerkle™ aux outils d’échantillonnage de l’accessoire TeleScoop™ (bécher angulaire, bécher pendulaire, porte-flacons, bécher en acier inox et épuisette). Pour l’échantillonnage industriel et de traitement des eaux. Tige téléscopique, réglable graduel. 95-280 cm

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Réservoir à col large, HDPE, UN, 6 l .

Wide-necked container for disposal or storage of powders, granulates and liquids. Can be closed tightly and sealed. The containers have an UN transport approval for solids Réservoir à col large, HDPE, UN, 6 l

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Seaux de conditionnement

En polypropylène pour offrir résistance et durabilité. Les seaux de conditionnement Buerkle™ sont idéals pour transporter, conditionner et stocker toute une gamme de matériaux. Seaux demballage, PP blanc, 2 l, avec couvercle

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Burette de titration catégorie B en verre borosilicaté automatique avec flacon de stockage

Utilisez ces burettes pour les applications de laboratoire, de l’industrie de la galvanoplastie et de traitement des eaux. Les burettes de titration en verre borosilicaté automatiques avec flacons de stockage Buerkle™ offrent un dosage de précision à l’aide d’un bouton pression, une titration fine grâce à la micro-vis et une buse de haute précision. Burette d.titrage autom., verre borosilicate, 50ml

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Pulvérisateurs de pression

Pressurize your cleaning and disinfection with Buerkle™ Pressure Sprayres. Its low rate is approximately 0.4-1.2 mL per minute. The standard pressure sprayer can be completed with a 250 mm long spray lancet or foam nozzle, which produces foam with foaming liquids. Pulvérisateur à pression, 1500 ml, jet réglable

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Vannes 2 et 3 voies

Utilisez ces vannes pour transférer des liquides ou des gaz, afin de libérer le flux, bloquer ou changer sa direction. Les vannes à deux et trois voies Buerkle™ sont disponibles en PVDF et en PP / PE pour toute une gamme d’applications. Vanne deux voies, PVDF, Ø 5-7 mm, LN 4 mm, blanc

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Entonnoirs en plastique à usage général

Entonnoir à fût PP, Øext. 200mm, Øévacuation 22mm

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Connecteurs Y cylindriques en polypropylène

Ces connecteurs en Y assurent un raccordement sûr et flexible pour les applications exigeantes. Les connecteurs en Y cylindriques en polypropylène Buerkle™ sont disponibles en plusieurs tailles pour rallonger, connecter, diviser, relier et réparer les tuyaux et les tubulures. X10 Raccord en Y, pour Ø 13-15 mm, embout cylindri

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Buerkle Bouchon PE pour rodages normalisés, NB 29/32

15445574 Bouchon PE pour rodages normalisés, NB 29/32 Bouchon PE pour rodages normalisés, NB 29/32

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Seringue en polypropylène SteriPlast™

Fournie dans un emballage stérile et prête pour un emploi immédiat. Les seringues en PP Buerkle™ SteriPlast™ sont transparentes avec des graduations imprimées qui permettent d’évaluer la quantité d’échantillon. Stérilisées et emballées séparément. X10 Seringue daspiration, stérilisée, PP, 50 ml

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Siphon avec robinet d’arrêt

Dispositif qui permet de transférer rapidement et facilement, par siphonnage, des liquides peu visqueux à partir de récipients situés à des niveaux différents. Le siphon avec robinet d’arrêt Buerkle™ s’avère particulièrement pratique pour évacuer complètement le liquide des récipients, étant donné que le liquide doit être amorcé une seule fois. Siphon a. robinet à bille, LDPE/PVC, 100cm, 9l/min

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Étiquette de scellage et de contrôle de qualité alimentaire Close-it™

Évitez les fuites de produits après un échantillonnage grâce à ces étiquettes de scellage et de contrôle qualité. Les étiquettes de scellage et de contrôle de la qualité alimentaire Buerkle™ Close-it™ sont idéales pour l’échantillonnage de denrées alimentaires, produits pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques, additifs alimentaires, produits congelés ou pour toute application où la propreté est essentielle. X500 Etiquette close-it food, 95 x 95 mm, jaune

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Flacons pulvérisateurs en HDPE avec vaporisateur à pompe et bouchon de sécurité

Vaporisez des liquides par la simple pression d’un bouton tout en respectant l’environnement grâce à ces flacons pulvérisateurs en PEHD. Les flacons pulvérisateurs en PEHD Buerkle™ avec vaporisateur à pompe et bouchon de sécurité sont équipés d’un couvercle de protection qui prévient les appuis involontaires sur la pompe et agit comme un cache anti-poussière. Flacon vaporisateur av.atomiseur, transp., 20 ml

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Flacons de réactifs carrés à col large en HDPE

Fill Buerkle™ HDPE Wide Neck Square Reagent Bottles with laboratory media. The bottles are transparent and square. Closure is blue. Flacon à produits chimiques, col large, UN, 1500ml

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Échantillonneur toutes couches en aluminium

Echantillonneur tt couches, Alu, 55cm, 3 ouv.,70ml

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Bécher déchantillonnage a.couvercle, PP/LDPE .

Sample beaker with liquid-tight red screw-on cover. The sample beakers are aseptic and suitable for use with food. The beakers can be autoclaved without the cover. Bécher déchantillonnage a.couvercle, PP/LDPE

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Tablier en PVC en plastique, résistant aux produits chimiques

En PVC. Le tablier en PVC résistant aux produits chimiques BRAND™ est pourvu d’œillets, d’un serre-nuque et d’un serre-taille. La structure et le tissu renforcés sont de qualité industrielle. Tablier plastique, PVC noir, qualité industrielle

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Tubes blancs en polypropylène avec bouchon à vis

Se vident entièrement sans laisser aucun résidu. Les tubes en PP blancs avec bouchon à vis Buerkle™ sont imperméables à la lumière, stérilisables et adaptés aux denrées alimentaires. Pot à vis, PP blanc, 90 ml, ØxH 52x52 mm

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Robinet d’arrêt de tuyaux en PEHD avec embout de tube bilatéral

Résiste aux acides et aux produits chimiques. Le robinet d’arrêt pour tuyaux en PEHD Buerkle™ possède un embout bilatéral et résiste à une pression maximale de 0.3 bar. Robinet, HDPE, Ø 9-11 mm, LN 7 mm, longueur 85 mm

Pricing and Availability

Buerkle™ Récipient à immersion, V2A, 1000 ml, hxØ 427x82 mm .

Use the Buerkle™ Stainless Steel Dipping Vessel with Easy-Flow, the flow optimised flow valve. Récipient à immersion, V2A, 1000 ml, hxØ 427x82 mm

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