PCR and qPCR

Thermo Scientific™ Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase

Get superior performance for cloning and other applications requiring high fidelity with one of the most accurate thermostable DNA polymerases available. 100 RXN PHUSION HIGH-FIDELITY PCR MASTER MIX GCbuffer formulation (2 x 1.25mL), 2X Master Mix

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ High-Capacity RNA-to-cDNA Kit

Designed for optimum performance with TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix, Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix, and other PCR enzymes 50 RXN HIGH CAPACITY RNA-TO-CDNA KIT 50REACTIONSStore at -20 C

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2X), No AmpErase™ UNG

TaqMan™ Fast Universal PCR Master Mix contains all of the components, excluding the template and primers, for superior real-time qPCR. 1250 RXN FAST UNIVERSAL PCR MASTER MIX (2X), NO

Invitrogen™ SuperScript™ IV First-Strand Synthesis System

Optimized for synthesis of first-strand cDNA from purified poly(A)+ or total RNA. 200RXN SuperScript IV First-Strand Synthesis System

Invitrogen™ Nuclease-Free Water (not DEPC-Treated)

NUCLEASE-FREE WATER 5 X 100 MLAmbion® Nuclease-free water has not been treated

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate, 0.1mL

Reduces PCR reaction time from 2 hours to as little as 25 minutes X200 MICROAMP, FAST OPTICAL 96-WELL REACTIONplate with barcode, 0.1mL

Invitrogen™ SuperScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase

A proprietary MMLV mutant with superior robustness and reliability in RT reactions. 40000UNIT SuperScript IV Reverse Transcriptase

Fisherbrand™ 96-Well Low-Profile, Skirted PCR Plates, Natural

Fit most thermal cyclers X25 Fisherbrand PCR plate 96-wells, full skirt, PP, red - FB-0800/R

Invitrogen™ Oligo(dT) 20 Primer

Used for first-strand cDNA synthesis with reverse transcriptase at temperatures of ≥50°C OLIGO DT(20) PRIMER

Applied Biosystems™ High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit

Delivers extremely high-quality, single-stranded cDNA from 0.02 to 2μg total RNA KIT, HIGH CAPACITY CDNA RT1000 reactions

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate with Barcode

Optimized to provide unmatched temperature accuracy and uniformity for fast, efficient PCR amplification MicroAmp(R) Optical 96-well Reaction PlatewithBarcode (code 128), 25-Pack, 500/Pkg

SuperScript™, Platinum™ SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit

Combine the most powerful reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase technologies to deliver precise and accurate analysis of gene expression in a convenient one-step format. SSIII 1-STEP QRT-PCR 500500 reactions

PowerUp™, SYBR™ PowerUp™ SYBR™ Green Master Mix

Pre-formulated, optimized, universal 2X master mix for real-time PCR workflows. X10 POWERUP SYBR MASTER MIX,10X1ML

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate

Designed to provide unmatched temperature accuracy and uniformity for fast, efficient PCR amplification X500 MICROAMP OPTICAL 96-WELL REACTION PLATE

Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1, v/v)

Nucleaic acid purfication PHENOL/CHLOROFORM/ALCOHOL

Invitrogen™ MultiScribe™ Reverse Transcriptase

A recombinant moloney murine leukemia virus (rMoMuLV) reverse transcriptase that has been optimized for TaqMan-based assays 100 UL MULTISCRIBE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE 100µLStore at -20 C

Invitrogen™ EDTA (0.5M), pH 8.0

Ready-to-use, certified RNase-free 500 ML 0.5 M EDTA, PH 8.0 500ML STORE AT ROOMtemperature

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Reverse Transcription Reagents

For use with reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) 2000 RXN REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION REAGENTS (10 PACK)

Invitrogen™ SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase

Proprietary mutant of SuperScript II RT 2 KU REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE SUPERSCRIPT(TM) IIIStore at -20C

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix

TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix has been designed to match or exceed the performance of standard master mixes, delivering shorter run times (<40 minutes). TAQMAN FAST ADVANCED MASTER MIX (1 X 50 ML)

Thermo Scientific™ ABgene™ Thermo-Fast™ 96-Well Semi-Skirted PCR Plates

Patented segmented design allows plate to be cut into 24- and 48-well sections X25 THERMOFAST SSK 96X0,2ML GREEN(VE=25Stck.)

Applied Biosystems™ Random Hexamers (50mM)

Serve as primers for DNA synthesis by a DNA polymerase or reverse transcriptase 1 SET Random Hexamers (50um) 1kit Store at -20 C

Thermo Scientific™ Thermo-Fast™ 96-Well Full-Skirted Plates

96-well full-skirted PCR automation compatible plate for use in PCR and qPCR applications. X25 THERMOFAST SK 96X0,2ML WHITEwhite (VE=25Stck.)

Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ Buffer-Saturated Phenol

Buffer for nucleic acid purification BUFFER SATURATED PHENOL

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, With UNG

TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II is a convenient mix of components (except primers, probes, template & water) necessary to perform a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). X5 TAQMAN UNIVERSAL MASTER MIX II, WITH UNG 5

SYBR™ Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

Designed for speed, provides a fast, reliable and cost-effective solution for RT-PCR application without compromising sensitivity, specificity, dynamic range or PCR efficiency. 5000 RXN FAST SYBR GREEN MASTER MIX BULK PACK (1x 50mL) 5000reactions Store at -20 C

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Cap Strips

Tight seal minimizes evaporation and contamination X300 MICROAMP OPTICAL 8-CAP STRIP STORE AT ROOMtemperature

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ 96-Well Support Base

Designed to hold MicroAmp Reaction Tubes in Tray/Retainer Sets or MicroAmp 48- and 96-Well Plates for convenient use in pre- and post-PCR sample processing X10 MICROAMP 96-WELL SUPPORT BASE STORE AT ROOMtemperature

Thermo Scientific™ 0.5 mL Individual Tubes

Minimize sample loss with the “snap shut” lids on these individual 0.5mL tubes for PCR applications. X1000 PCR TUBE 0,5ML FLAT ASSORTED(VE=1000Stck.)

Invitrogen™ RNase-free Microfuge Tubes, 1.5mL

Autoclavable X500 RNASE-FREE MICROFUGE TUBES (1.5ML) STORE ATroom temperature
