The Heart of Science
Merck's purpose is to solve the toughest problems in life science by collaborating with the global scientific community. Through that, Merck aims to accelerate access to better health for people everywhere. Merck products provide scientists and engineers with best-in-class lab materials, technologies and services. Merck is dedicated to making research and biotech production simpler, faster and safer.

From Membrane to Result
Backed by decades of research, Merck's comprehensive portfolio of membranes and ready-to-use devices has helped generations of scientists reach new milestones. By understanding customer applications, Merck creates innovative membrane based solutions adapted to your needs.

An exhaustive portfolio
The path to new discoveries must be laid on a solid foundation. Backed by decades of research, our exhaustive portfolio of fundamental filters and supporting hardware has helped generations of scientists reach new milestones. With the needs of today’s scientist at the top of our minds, we have continued to evolve, ensuring our products can continue to serve as the cornerstone for your latest innovation.

Membrane Filtration
Millipore™ membranes have supported laboratory filtration in academic, pharmaceutical, and industrial sectors since the 1950s. We provide a range of membrane chemistries including MF-Millipore™ mixed cellulose esters, Durapore™ PVDF, Millipore Express™ PLUS polyethersulfone, as well as hydrophilic and hydrophobic PTFE.
View some of Merck's most popular membrane filtration products below:
- Merck Durapore™ Membrane Filters 0.45 μm, Dia.: 47mm
- Merck Durapore™ Membrane Filters 0.45 μm, Dia.: 142mm
- Merck Durapore™ Membrane Filters 0.22 μm, Dia.: 47mm
- Merck MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filters 0.22 μm, Dia.: 47mm
- Merck MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filters 0.45 μm, Dia.: 47mm

Hardware and Accessories
Filter housings are used in conjunction with cut disc membrane filters providing structural support and creating a seal around the membrane to prevent filtrate contamination. Reusable syringe filter holders are suited for filtering or clearing small amounts of liquid where a replaceable or removable filter is desired. Filter holders for vacuum and pressure filtration are available in a variety of formats and sizes to accommodate a range of filter diameters.
View some of Merck's most popular filtration hardware and accessory items below:
Merck Millipore Classic Glass Vacuum Filter Holder Kits, 47 mm
Merck Millipore Chemical Duty Vacuum Pressure Pumps
- Merck All-Glass Filter Holder Kits, 47 mm, 300 mL
- Merck All-Glass Filter Holder Kits, 47 mm, 500 mL
Merck Samplicity™ G2 Filtration System
Video coming soon

Multiply your success with MultiScreen™ and Millicell™ plates
Multiwell plates enable simple, rapid, automation-compatible preparation and analysis of multiple samples to fulfill the requirements of life science, environmental, analytical, clinical, forensic, diagnostic and industrial workflows.
MultiScreen™ plates meet specific performance criteria for sample preparation and assay methodology requiring low non specific binding of protein and drug analytes, solvent compatibility, and sample throughput. MultiScreen™ plates are used to prepare and collect samples for analysis and miniaturize assays in 96- or 384-well formats, while Millicell™ products offer the versatility of 6, 12, 24, or 96 wells for cell culture applications.

MultiScreen™ filter plates were designed to workproductively with sensitive detection and imaging systems, providing dependable and robust sample handling and precision transfer.
MultiScreen™ filtration plates are offered in a broad selection of membrane filters with both sterile and non-sterile options.
Merck Millipore MultiScreen™ 96-WellAssay Plates for ELISPOT Assays
- MultiScreen-IP Durapore 0.45
- MultiScreen-HA MCE
Merck Millipore MultiScreenHTS
- Solubility Filter Plate
- 96-Well Filter Plates
- Durapore™ 96-Well Filter Plates

Millicell™ cell culture inserts, plates, and culturewareare designed to maximize user convenience and biological relevance in cell culture applications.
Millicell™ permeable inserts encourage the natural morphology and proliferation of adherent and suspension cell lines.
Merck Millipore Millicell™ Culture Plate
Merck Millipore Millicell™ Multi-WellReceiver Trays
Merck Millipore Millicell™ Single WellReceiver Trays

Shop the Merck Millipore MultiScreen™ Solvinert Filter Plates and HTS Manifold Standard Collar Kit here
HTS Manifold Standard Collar and Gasket
MultiScreen™ Solvinert Filter Plates

Clean data starts with clean samples
Protect your results with Millex™ syringe filters. We offer a broad range of membranes, pore sizes,and filter diameters to meet your needs. Whether you are performing HPLC, LC-MS, ion chromatography, dissolution testing, or protein analysis, Millex™ syringe filters support high sample recoveries while providing consistent, reliable filtration.
With over 50 years of expertise, weare constantly innovating new filtration tools to offer rapid and efficient solutions tailored for you. Use our selector to find the ideal syringe filter for your sample.
Video coming soon

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Syringe Filters
Millex™ syringe filters provide convenient sterilization of small volumes and are ideal for solutions such as antibiotics and tissue culture additives. Their unsurpassed quality and consistency of results has led to the development of many sample preparation methods that specify Millex™ filters.
Merck Millex™-GP Sterile Syringe Filter Units with PES Membrane, 0.22 μm (Research Use Only)
- Pack of 50
- Pack of 250
Merck Millex™-GV Sterile Syringe FilterUnit, PVDF, 0.22 μm, pack of 100
Merck Millex™-GV Sterile Syringe Filter Unit, PVDF, 0.22 μm, pack of 50
Merck Millex™-HA Sterile Syringe Filter Unit, MCE, o.45 μm (Research Use Only)

Bottle-Top Filters
Stericup™ and Steritop™ sterile filtration devices combine superior flow rates and throughput with low non-specific binding and a stable, no-tip design. Fast flow, low-binding membranes. Membranes with low protein binding ensure that key growth factors and proteins won’t be absorbed into the filter.
Find a small selection of the Steritop™ products:
- Merck Steritop™ Quick Release
- Merck Steritop™ Threaded BottleTop Filters 1000mL
- Merck Steritop™ Threaded BottleTop Filters 500mL
Merck Steritop™ Sterile Vacuum Bottle-Top Filters

Merck provides many further sterile filtration devices to improve on your samle filtration needs. These items include Merck's Steriflip™, Sterivex™, Steripak™, and Stericap™ products. Find a small selection of these convenient and reliable devices below:
Merck Millipore Steriflip™ Tube Top Vacuum Filter Units
Merck Sterivex™ Sterile Pressure-Driven Devices
Merck Steripak™-GP Sterile Filter Units
Cell Culture
Cell culture is fundamental in life science research and development. Whether your goal is to establish relevant cell models to probe complex biology, establish drug discovery and drug development assays, or produce recombinant proteins or therapeutics, we have everything you need to advance your science.
Our cell culture workflow portfolio, advanced cell culture solutions, cell counting and imagingequipment, cultureware, extracellular matrices, hydrogels, sterile filtration consumables, reagents, media, sera, and growth factors offerquality essentials for 2D and 3D cell culture experiments.
Find Merck's best selling cell culture products below:

Merck Millipore Millicell™ Culture Plate
Designed for improved cell differentiation and expanded applications involving analytical cell biology.

Merck Millipore Millicell™ EZ Slides
Simplify your cell analysis by using the Millicell EZ SLIDE glass slide to culture, fix, stain and view your sample all in one device.

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UF Protein Concentration
Concentrate your protein, don’t lose it. Recover protein reliably when you concentrate with Amicon™ Ultra filters. We’ve engineered Amicon™ Ultra filters with low-binding Ultracel™ regenerated cellulose membranes to ensure more precise molecular weight cut-offs.
Merck Amicon™ Ultra-15 Centrifugal Filter Units
- MWCO: 30000 d
- MWCO: 10000 d
- MWCO: 1000 d
- MWCO: 100000 d
Merck Amicon™ Ultra-0.5 Centrifugal Filter Units

Western Blotting
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Merck Centricon™ Plus-70 Centrifugal Filters
Merck Immobilon™-P PVDF Membrane
Merck Immobilon™ Western Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate (ECL)
Merck Immobilon™-FL PVDF Membranes
Merck Millipore Luminata™ WesternHRP Chemiluminescence Substrates

Filter - Membrane
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Merck Ultrafree™-CL Centrifugal Filters
Merck Ultrafree™-MC Centrifugal Filter Devices with Durapore™ Membrane
Merck Amicon™ Stirred Cells
Video coming soon