Clamps and Supports

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Vinyl-Coated Lead Rings

Stabilizes expensive glassware. Bel Art™ SP Scienceware™ Vinyl-Coated Lead Rings will not scratch flasks.

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Poly-Jaque™ Lab Jack

The smooth, easy-to-clean top plate supports gradient makers, hot plates, flasks, beakers, baths and other lab items up to ten times its own weight

Bel-Art™ C-Shaped Lead Rings for Flasks

Fit neatly around flasks with sidearm tubing connections. Bel Art C-Shaped Lead Rings for Flasks are available in four diameter/weight combinations.

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Wire Lead Flask with Vikem™ Coating

“Wire” lead weights coil into a helix, spiral, cone or any irregular shape to stabilize vessels in a water bath

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Round Lead Ring Flask Weights with Vikem™ Vinyl Coating

Protects and stabilizes expensive glassware. SP Scienceware™ Round Lead Ring Flask Weights with Vikem™ Vinyl Coating reduces floating, breakage and chemical spills.

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Tissue Culture Flask Racks

Prevent the domino effect of flasks tipping one over the other

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Flaskup™ Flask Holders

With slight taper on the inside wall which allows a variety of different size round bottom flasks to fit into one holder

Bel-Art™ Round Lead Rings With Vikem™ Vinyl Coating

Protects and stabilizes expensive glassware. Bel Art™ Round Lead Rings With Vikem™ Vinyl Coating are safe for use with fragile laboratory glassware.

SPEX™ SamplePrep Large Capacity Clamp Assembly Holders

For use with 2195 large capacity clamp assembly
