Cell Culture Media

Gibco™ Opti-MEM™ I Reduced Serum Medium

An improved Minimal Essential Medium that allows for a reduction of Fetal Bovine Serum supplementation by at least 50% with no change in growth rate or morphology 500ML Opti-MEM I Reduced Serum Medium

Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose is used in cell culture processing applications. 5 LT DMEM, HIGHGLUCOSE 5L STORE AT 4°C IN DARKStore at 4°C in dark

Gibco™ DMEM/F-12, No Phenol Red

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEMF/12, No Phenol Red is used in cell culture processing applications. DMEM NUTRIENT MIX F12

Gibco™ DMEM, No Glucose

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEM, No Glucose is used in cell culture processing applications. DMEM

Gibco™ Versene Solution

An EDTA solution for use as a gentle non-enzymatic cell dissociation reagent VERSENE, 100ML, MA: 15040066

Gibco™ Essential 8™ Flex Medium Kit

Essential 8™ Flex is a xeno-free and feeder-free medium that supports the culture of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) without the need for weekend feeding. Gibco™ Essential 8™ Flex Medium Kit is provided in a convenient two-component kit (500mL basal medium and 10mL supplement). Essential 8 Flex Medium Kit

Gibco™ MEM, No Glutamine, No Phenol Red, Liquid

Minimum Essential Medium is commonly used of all cell culture media 500 ML MEM NO GLUTAMINE NO PHENOL RED

Gibco™ Dispase II, Powder

Amino-endo peptidase that hydrolyzes N-terminal peptide bonds of non-polar amino acid residues DISPASE

Gibco™ Recovery™ Cell Culture Freezing Medium, DMSO (10%)

Complete, ready-to-use freezing medium for cryopreservation of a wide variety of mammalian cells, including CHO-S, CHO-K1, HEK 293, Jurkat, and NIH 3T3 RECOVERY CELL CULTURE FREEZING

Corning™ Poloxamer 188, 10% Solution

Acts as surfactant used in cell culture to protect cells in suspension against possible damage during transfer, freezing and thawing, and stirring. X6 100 mL Poloxamer 188

Gibco™ Ham's F-12K (Kaighn's) Medium

A modification of Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mixture X10 F-12K NUTRIENT MIXTURE, KAIGHN'S MODIFICATION

HyClone™ DMEM/F12 1:1 Media

Used for culturing many different mammalian cells including MDCK, Glial cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. HyClone™ DMEM/F12 1:1 Media supports cell culture growth and biomanufacturing processes and is manufactured using ISO 9001:2000-certified processes. 1 LT DMEM/F12 WITH L-GLUT WO HEPES 1L

Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™ Supplement

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™ Supplement is used in human ex vivo tissue and cell culture processing applications. DMEM HIGH GLUCOSE 1X 5Lliquid (high glucose), 5 L

Gibco™ Leibovitz's L-15 Medium, No Phenol Red

Supports growth of HEP-2 monkey kidney cells and primary explants of embryonic and adult human tissue LEIBOVITZ L 15 MED

Gibco™ Advanced DMEM/F-12

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ Advanced DMEMF/12 is used in cell culture processing applications. X10 Advanced D-MEM/F12 (1X), liquid with D-glucose

Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, HEPES, No Phenol Red

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, HEPES, No Phenol Red is used in cell culture processing applications. DMEM

Gibco™ StemPro™-34 SFM (1X)

StemPro™-34 SFM (1X) STEM PRO-34, COMBO

Gibco™ Expi293™ Expression Medium

Designed for growth, transfection of suspension-adapted human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells X6 EXPI293 EXPRESSION MEDIUM 6 × 1L

Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, Pyruvate

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, Pyruvate is used in cell culture processing applications. 5 LT DMEM, HIGHGLUCOSE, PYRUVATE 5L STORE AT 4°Cin dark Store at 4°C in dark

HyClone™ SFX-Insect™ Cell Culture Media

Designed to support the growth of multiple insect cell lines and production of a variety of recombinant proteins. HyClone™ SFX Insect™ Cell Culture Media is a protein-free media that support cell culture growth. 1000 ML HYQ SFX INSECTZellkultur Plattform, 1000ml

Gibco™ MEM α, Nucleosides, No Ascorbic Acid, Liquid

Minimum Essential Medium is widely used for mammalian cell culture as well as selection for transfected DHFR-negative cells 500 ML MEM ALPHA MEDIUM - WITH DEOXYRIBONUCLEOSIDEs, with L-glutamine, with ribonucleosides, without

Gibco™ Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 Medium w/o Methionine

Developed to culture human leukemic cells in suspension and as monolayer X500 RPMI, NO METHIONINE 500ML STORE AT 4°C INdark

Gibco™ Neurobasal™-A Medium

Neurobasal™-A Medium NEUROBASAL-A MEDIUM 1X

Gibco™ MEM

Minimum Essential Medium is one of the most commonly used of all cell culture media X 1 MEM MEM (MINIMUM ESSENTIAL MEDIUM) 500ML

Gibco™ Cell Dissociation Buffer, Enzyme-Free, PBS


Gibco™ Expi293™ Expression Medium

Designed as a core component to support high density culture of Expi293F™ cells in the Expi293™ Expression System for scalable transient protein expression EXPI293 EXPRESSION MEDIUM 1000 ML

Gibco™ MEM α, No Nucleosides

Minimum Essential Medium is widely used for mammalian cell culture as well as selection for transfected DHFR-negative cells 500ML MEM ALPHA

Gibco™ IMDM, No Phenol Red, HEPES

Suited for rapidly proliferating, high-density cell cultures, including Jurkat, COS-7, and macrophage cells IMDM

Gibco™ Collagenase, Type IV, Powder

Cleaves bond between neutral amino acid (X) and glycine in sequence Pro-X-Glyc-Pro, which is found with high frequency in collagen 1 GR COLLAGENASE, TYPE IV STORE AT 2-8C

Gibco™ DMEM/F-12, GlutaMAX™ Supplement

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEMF/12, GlutaMAX™ Supplement is used in cell culture processing applications. DMEM F12
