Microbiology Media, Stains and Supplies
BD Bacto™ Dehydrated Agar
Purified solidifying agent. BD Difco™ Bacto™ Dehydrated Agar is purified to remove extraneous matter. 100GR AGAR BACTO
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ AnaeroGen™ 2.5L Sachet
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid AnaeroGen 2.5L Sachets are anaerobic gas generating sachets for use with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid 2.5L jar, Part No. AG0025A (not included). X10 AnaeroGen 2.5L anaerobic atmosphere generation
Gibco™ Bacto™ Brain Heart Infusion
Used in the cultivation of fastidious and nonfastidious microorganisms. Gibco™ Bacto™ Brain Heart Infusion is a general-purpose medium used to cultivate aerobic and anaerobic bacteria from a variety of clinical and nonclinical materials. 2KG INFUSION HEART BRAIN
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: LB Broth, Miller (Luria-Bertani)
Propagate and maintain E. coli for molecular biology. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: LB Broth, Miller (Luria-Bertani) supplied in dehydrated form for the convenience of the laboratorian and bioprocessing specialist. 2KG BROTH LB MILLER
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ AnaeroGen™ 3.5L Sachet
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid AnaeroGen 3.5L Sachet is for use with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid Anaerobic 3.5L jars, Part No. HP0011A, HP0031A. X10 ATMOSPHERE GENERATION SYSTEM ANAEROGEN GASgenerator
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Granulated Agar
Used as a solidifying agent for culture media. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Granulated Agar is carefully monitored for cultural response, solubility and gelation temperature. 2KG Difco Bacteriological Agar
Corning™ Sterile Polystyrene Inoculating Loops
Constructed of flexible polystyrene for optimum retrieval of an inoculum from a culture. Gosselin™ Sterile Polystyrene Inoculating Loops provide a superior solution for transferring microscopic organisms, inoculum, or streaking. X9000 Inoculating loop 1µL, PS gr L195, with bubble end, sterile, SAL 10-3
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Potato Dextrose Agar
For cultivation of Yeasts and molds. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Potato Dextrose Agar is supplied in dehydrated format. 2KG Potato Dextrose Agar
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Resazurin Anaerobic Indicator
Oxoid Resazurin is an indicator strip for use with anaerobic jar systems. X100 Anaerobic indicator (resazurin)
Brand™ Malassez Counting Chamber
Commonly used for counting nematodes or cells in the cerebro-spinal fluid. BRAND™ Malassez Counting Chamber is rectangular, covering an area of 5mm2. Counting chamber BLAUBRAND Malassez IVDwithout spring clips, double ruling
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Marine Broth 2216
Cultivates heterotrophic marine bacteria. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Marine Broth 2216 has a shelf life of 1825 days. 500GR BROTH MARINE 2216
Thermo Scientific™ Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Dehydrated)
Cultivate streptococci, Neisseria and other fastidious organisms with this highly nutritious medium.
500 GR BRAIN HEART INFUSION, HIGHLY NUTRITIOUSinfusion medium recommended for the cultivationThermo Scientific™ Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) (Dehydrated)
Enumerate and cultivate clostridia and other anaerobes occurring in food and pathological samples with this medium. CLOSTRIDIUM-NÄHRBODEN, HALBFEST 500gr.
Fisherbrand™ Distilled Water Sterile Media Bottle
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: LB Agar, Miller (Luria-Bertani)
Propagate and maintain E. coli for molecular biology. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: LB Agar, Miller (Luria-Bertani) supplied in dehydrated form for the convenience of the laboratorian and bioprocessing specialist. 2KG MEDIA AGAR LB MILLER
BD Difco™ Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate
Used in molecular genetics for classifying yeasts based on carbon and nitrogen requirements. BD™ Difco™ Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate is prepared according to the formulas of Wickerham. 10KG BASE YEASTS NITROGENE
Fisherbrand™ Yeast Extract
Basic ingredients for the preparation of different formulas. 500G EXTRACT YEAST
BD Bacto™ Tryptic Soy Broth (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium)
Conforms with USP and EP specifications. BD™ Bacto™ Tryptic Soy Broth (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium) is a dehydrated, general purpose media for isolation, detection and cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms. 10KG BROTH TRYPTICASE SOY
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: 2x Yeast Extract Tryptone (2xYT) Medium
For cultivating recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: 2x Yeast Extract Tryptone (2xYT) Medium is part of a wide selection of dehydrated culture media. 500GR MEDIA 2 X YT
BD Trypticase™ Soy Agar
Pre-plated, ready-to-use aseptic media supports the growth of a variety of bacteria and fungi. BD Trypticase™ Soy Agar is supplied in sterile 90mm Stacker™ plates, packaged with 10 plates per sleeve. X120 TSA 90MM PLATE AGAR
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: M 17 Broth
Selective isolation and enumeration of streptococci. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: M 17 Broth is part of a large selection of dehydrated media. 500GR BROTH M17
Fisher BioReagents™ Agar, Powder / Flakes, Fisher BioReagents™
Used as a solidifying agent for culture media 2KG Agar, for molecular genetics, granulated
BD Prepared Mannitol Salt Agar Plated Media
BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Antibiotic Medium 19
For determining antibiotic potency by the microbiological assay technique. BD Difco™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Antibiotic Medium 19 is part of a large selection of dehydrated media. 500GR MEDIA ANTIBIOTIQUE 19
Thermo Scientific™ M17 Agar (Dehydrated)
Cultivate lactic streptococci and their bacteriophages and selectively enumerate Streptococcus thermophiles from yogurt with this medium.
500 GR M17 MEDIUM AGAR POWDER 500 GBD BBL™ Middlebrook OADC Enrichment
Used in qualitative procedures for isolation and cultivation of mycobacteria. BD Difco™ BBL™ Middlebrook OADC Enrichment is a dehydrated culture media. 600ML SUPPLT MIDDLEBROOK OADC (+2-8C)
BD GasPak™ EZ Gas Generating Systems and Supplies: Container System Sachets
Used in producing anaerobic, microaerophilic, or CO2-enriched environments. BD Difco™ GasPak™ EZ Gas Generating Systems and Supplies: Container System Sachets provide catalyst-free convenience. X20 GASPAK EZ ANAERO W/INDIC
BD GasPak™ EZ Gas Generating Systems Incubation Containers
Produce atmospheres suitable to support the primary isolation and cultivation of a wide range of bacteria. BD Difco™ GasPak™ EZ Gas Generating Systems Incubation Containers are multi-use systems able to support the primary isolation and cultivation of anaerobic, microaerophilic, or capnophilic bacteria by use of gas generating sachets inside multi-use incubation containers. JARRE BD GASPAK 15 DISH PETRI
Invitrogen™ Countess™ II FL Automated Cell Counter
Cell counting and viability in < 10 seconds with no need to buy slides or tips. Two optional user-changeable fluorescence channels with over 20 light cubes to choose from (KIT) Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter Start
BD BBL™ IsoVitaleX™ Enrichment
BD BBL™ IsoVitaleX™ Enrichment is a chemically defined supplement used as an additive to media for cultivation of nutritionally fastidious microorganisms. 50ML X5 Isovitalex Bottle, 10ml (+2-8C)