Agitateurs à vortex
Fisherbrand™ ZX3 Vortex Mixer
Offers excellent flexibility and versatility and provides stable mixing at high speeds. Fisherbrand™ ZX3 Vortex Mixer can be connected to many platforms and accessories which are easily attached and securely fitted with simple pressure. AGITATEUR VORTEX TOP-MIX 3000 T/MIN
Fisherbrand™ Wizard™ Infrared Vortex Mixer
Detects the presence of the test tube and the instrument automatically starts vibrating. Fisherbrand™ Wizard™ Infrared Vortex Mixer ensures high stability and increased user-comfort. Offers two operating modes as well as the possibility to regulate the speed of vibration. AGITATEUR VORTEX TOP-MIX WIZARDAGITATEUR VORTEX TOP-MIX WIZARD
Fisherbrand™ Classic Vortex Mixer
Combines the highest performance ratings in terms of speed with excellent reliability and safety. Fisherbrand™ Classic Vortex Mixer includes two operating modes, the possibility to change the vibration frequency, and a wide range of accessories, making this laboratory mixer the ideal solution for a large variety of needs. CLASSIC AGIT. VORTEX 100-240VCLASSIC AGIT. VORTEX 100-240V
IKA™ Mixer Lab Dancer Vortex
Use this attractively designed, test tube shaker for mixing small test samples. IKA™ Lab Dancer Vortex is ideal for small containers up to 30mm in diameter such as test tubes, centrifuge tubes, Eppendorf beakers. MINI VORTEX 2800 T/MIN LABDANCER
Heidolph™ Agitateur Vortex Top Mix
Designed with a low center of gravity which prevents gliding at high speed, even on damp surfaces; this Reax Top Test Tube Shaker with an analog tube mixer and 5mm orbital motion and speeds up to 2500 rpm, is ideal in most scientific, research, and other laboratories. AGITATEUR TOPMIX REAXTOP
Fisherbrand™ Agitateur à vortex de base MS 3
Performs best with small vessels and microtitre plates. IKA™ MS 3 Basic Vortex Mixer is a compact, universal small shaker with two operating modes and continuous or touch operation. AGITATEUR VORTEX TOPMIX 3
Scientific Industries SI™ Vortex-Genie™ 2
Mélange les contenus de façon plus ou moins vive. La vitesse de l’agitateur Scientific Industries SI™ Vortex-Genie™ 2 varie de 600 à 3200 tr/min. Vortex-Genie 2 Vortex Mixer, 230V, Swiss Plug
Fisherbrand™ Mini-mélangeur à vortex Fisher Scientific™
Accepte des tubes et récipients de toutes les tailles. Le mini-mélangeur vortex Fisherbrand™ est un mélangeur vortex extrêmement compact offrant un mouvement de mélange circulaire horizontal et orbital. VORTEX MIXER, FIXED 2800RPM, 4.5MM ORBIT
Fisherbrand™ ZX4 IR Vortex Mixer
Automatically starts vibrating when the mixer detects the presence of the test tube. Fisherbrand™ ZX4 IR Vortex Mixer is ideal for mixing a variety of tubes and containers. ZX4 AGIT. VORTEX IR 100-240VZX4 AGIT. VORTEX IR 100-240V
Fisherbrand™ Agitateur Vortex Fisherbrand, vitesse variable .
Agitateur Vortex Fisherbrand, vitesse variable
IKA™ Agitateur à vortex numérique MS 3
Fonctionne avec tous les petits récipients et les plaques de microtitration. L’agitateur à vortex numérique IKA™ MS 3 est un petit mélangeur compact et universel équipé d’une large gamme d’accessoires, que deux modes de fonctionnement permettent de détecter. AGITATEUR VORTEX MS3 DIGITAL
Velp Scientifica™ Mixing Cup Head
Facilitates quick and safe mixing. Velp Scientifica™ Mixing Cup Heads are for use with the Wizard™ Infrared Vortex Mixers. TETE DE RECHANGE POUR 13210/13212
IKA Vortex 3 Shaker
IKA Vortex 3 Shaker suitable for short-time operation (touch function), activated by pressing shaker attachment or continuous operation. AGITATEUR VORTEX GENIUS 3
Cole-Parmer™ Agitateur Vortex-Genie™
Adapt your shaker to a variety of applications. Cole-Parmer™ Vortex-Genie™ 2 Shaker features variable speed shaking which allows you to adjust the level of mixing from gentle shaking to vigorous vortexing. VORTEX GENIE 2 SHAKER 230V
Thermo Scientific™ Agitateur à vortex LP
Choose to continuously mix or pulse samples with our low profile vortex mixer. LP VORTEX MXR 120V/US PLUG
Grant Instruments™ Combinaison centrifugeuse de paillasse / agitateur vortex
Cost-effective, fixed-speed, combined micro centrifuge/vortex mixer for combined or independent centrifuge and mixing applications of microtubes and 0.2ml microtube strips in low volume applications. CENTRIFUG COMBI-SPIN PCV-2400 GRANT-BIO
Multi-tube vortex mixer digital 230v
Process up to 50 samples at one time. Fisherbrand™ Digital Multi-Tube Vortex Mixer features LED display and touchpad control for speed and time with programmable pulse feature for optimal mixing. Multi-tube vortex mixer digital 230v
Velp Scientifica™ Foam Stand for Microtiter Tubes
Securely holds microtiter tubes during the mixing process. Velp Scientifica™ Foam Stands for Microtiter Tubes are for use with Velp Scientifica ZX4 Advanced IR Vortex Mixers.
IKA™ Agitateur VXR Basic Vibrax® Vortex
Contrôle optoélectronique avec une large plage de vitesses de 0 à 2200 tr/min et des fixations interchangeables. L’agitateur à vortex IKA™ VXR Basic Vibrax™ effectue des mouvements circulaires et peut fonctionner en continu. Mouvements réguliers même à vitesse faible. AGITATEUR VIBRAX VXR
Velp Scientifica™ Foam Stand
Securely holds 19 1.5mL Eppendorf™ vials. Velp Scientifica™ Foam Stands are for use with Velp Vortex Mixers. SUPPORT DIA 94MM 19 EPPENDORF 1,5 MLSUPPORT DIA 94MM 19 EPPENDORF 1,5 ML
Bibby Scientific™ Mélangeur à vortex Stuart™ SA8 à vitesse variable
Control the mixing speed by selecting from 200rpm for more gentle mixing to 2500rpm for vigorous agitation. Bibby Scientific™ Stuart™ Variable Speed SA8 Vortex Mixer provides `touch' on mode and continuous operation simply by pressing a button on the facia. Includes integral retort rod for securing vessels above the vortex action for long-term mixing. VORTEX VITESSE VAR SA8
Velp Scientifica™ Plaque de support
Securely holds test tubes and vials. Velp Scientifica™ Foam and Rubber Stands are compatible with Velp Vortex Mixers. PLATEAU 90MM POUR 11118
Fisherbrand™ Multi-tube vortex mixer analogue 230v
Process up to 50 samples at one time. Fisherbrand™ Analogue Multi-Tube Vortex Mixer features variable speed microprocessor control that provides consistent, uniform mixing action. Multi-tube vortex mixer analogue 230v
Accessoires pour agitateurs IKA™ Vortex 3
Use this test tube attachment with Universal attachment VG 3.3 for continuous operation. IKA™ VG 3.31 Test Tube Attachment is designed for use with Vortex 3 Mixers. PORTOIR 54 MICROTUBES
Grant Instruments™ Combinaison centrifugeuse de paillasse / agitateur vortex
Highly versatile and efficient variable-speed combined centrifuge/vortex mixer. Programmed centrifugation and mix operations or independent centrifuging and vortex-mixing of multiple microtubes and 0.2ml strips. CENTRIFUGE/VORTEX MIXER
Velp Scientifica™ Customizable Foam Stand
Securely hold test tubes and vials in the configuration that works best for your needs. Velp Scientifica™ Customizable Foam Stands are compatible with Velp Scientifica Vortex Mixers. SUPPORT DIA 94MM NON PERFORE
Eppendorf™ MixMate™
Mix your samples in seconds, fully and reliably with this mixer. Eppendorf™ MixMate™ is the ideal 3-in-1 mixer for plates, tubes and vortex mixing. This high speed instrument guarantees complete mixing of your samples in seconds. AGITATEUR MIXMATE
Thermo Scientific™ Agitateur MaxiMix™ I Vortex
L'agitateur compact Thermo Scientific MaxiMix I Vortex garantit une agitation rapide et uniforme, en mode continu et en fonctionnement par pression . VORTEX MAXI-MIX
IKA™ Support pour microplaque MS 3.4
Designed for use with a microtiter plate. IKA™ MS 3.4 Microtiter Attachment is compatible with the MS 3 basic and S 3 digital minishakers. PLATEAU POUR MICROPLAQUE MS3.4