Applied Biosystems™ High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit

Delivers extremely high-quality, single-stranded cDNA from 0.02 to 2μg total RNA KIT, HIGH CAPACITY CDNA RTFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan® Gene Expression Assay, SM

FG, GX SET EACHFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Thermo Scientific™ ADN polymérase haute fidélité Phusion

Get superior performance for cloning and other applications requiring high fidelity with one of the most accurate thermostable DNA polymerases available. PHUSION HF PCR KIT 200 RXNS

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate, 0.1mL

Reduces PCR reaction time from 2 hours to as little as 25 minutes TF,OPTICAL FAST 96-WELL PLTmicroplaque MicroAmp(R) Fast

Invitrogen™ M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase

Recombinant DNA polymerase that synthesizes a complementary DNA strand from single-stranded RNA, DNA, or an RNA:DNA hybrid MLV-REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASEFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Invitrogen™ SuperScript™ II Reverse Transcriptase

An improved version of SuperScript RT SUPERSCRIPT II RNASE HFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate

Designed to provide unmatched temperature accuracy and uniformity for fast, efficient PCR amplification BULKPACK 96-WELL RXN PLATES,For Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Invitrogen™ SuperScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase

A proprietary MMLV mutant with superior robustness and reliability in RT reactions. 2000UNIT SuperScript IV Reverse Transcriptase

Invitrogen™ Random Primers

Truly random primers suitable for DNA synthesis using Klenow fragments with DNA templates or for cDNA synthesis using reverse transcriptase with mRNA templates RANDOM PRIMERS,1.5MM 9 unitsFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Applied Biosystems™ Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

Offers superior sensitivity and reproducibility, detecting as few as two copies of a target gene over a broad range of template concentrations. FG, POWER SYBR GREENFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Invitrogen™ SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase

Proprietary mutant of SuperScript II RT X4 SUPERSCRIPT III RT 4X10,000

Thermo Scientific™ Amorces pour la synthèse d’ADNc

Optimze cDNA synthesis with these random hexamer primers, oligo(dT)18 primers and anchored oligo dT primers. RANDOM HEXAMER 100UM 120UL

Eppendorf™ Tubes PCR de 0.5 ml

La finesse des parois (épaisseur uniforme) et la surface lisse de ces tubes assurent un transfert de chaleur efficace vers l’échantillon. Les tubes PCR Eppendorf™ sont faciles à ouvrir tout en assurant une bonne étanchéité afin d’empêcher l’évaporation au cours de la PCR. X1000 MICROTUBE 0,5ML PAROI MINCE

Invitrogen™ SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis System

Optimized to synthesize first-strand cDNA from purified poly(A)+ or total RNA or RT-PCR SUPERSCRIPT III 1ST STRAND

Applied Biosystems™ Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

Designed for speed, provides a fast, reliable and cost-effective solution for RT-PCR application without compromising sensitivity, specificity, dynamic range or PCR efficiency. FG, FAST SYBR MASTER MIX 1MLFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Invitrogen™ Nuclease-Free Water (not DEPC-Treated)

500 ML NUCLEASE-FREE WATER (NOT DEPC-TREATED) (1x 500mL) 500mL Store at room temperature

Eppendorf™ Tubes LoBind ADN en polypropylène

Maximize sample recovery of nucleic acids by significantly reducing sample-to-surface binding with these tubes. Eppendorf™ Polypropylene DNA LoBind Tubes are ideal for sample preparation and long-term storage. X250 TUBE DNA LOBIND 2ML

Thermo Scientific™ 0.2 mL Strip Tubes

Optimize PCR and qPCR with these 0.2 mL strip tubes, available as 8 tubes per strip in several colors or 12 tubes per strip. X120 BARRETTE 8X0,2ML DOME BLEU

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix

Precise and reliable real-time qPCR quantification over 9 logs of linear dynamic range with Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix. FG,TAQMAN GEX MASTR MIX, 50 MLFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, No UNG

TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II is a convenient mix of components (except primers, probes, template & water) necessary to perform a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). TAQMAN UNIVERSAL MMIX IIFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan® Gene Expression Assay, XS

TAQMAN GENE EX ASSAYS INVENTOR XSFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Applied Biosystems™ Random Hexamers (50mM)

Serve as primers for DNA synthesis by a DNA polymerase or reverse transcriptase RANDOM HEXAMER PRIMERS

Invitrogen™ Platinum™ SuperFi™ DNA Polymerase

Amplify even difficult and GC-rich amplicons with superior accuracy (>100X Taq) and minimaloptimization steps X500 Platinum SuperFi DNA Polymerase

Thermo Scientific™ ADN polymérase DreamTaq Green

Save time in PCR applications with Master Mix and get higher sensitivity, longer PCR products and higher yields compared to conventional Taq DNA polymerase. X4 DREAMTAQ GREEN MIX 1.25ML

Axygen™ Tubes PCR 8 barrettes Axygen™

Disponibles dans une variété de couleurs pour faciliter l’identification des échantillons. Les barrettes de 8 tubes PCR Axygen™ de 0.2 ml sont fabriquées en PP robuste. Chaque tube conique non stérile présente une épaisseur de paroi mince et constante. Vendues sans bouchon ou avec des bouchons plats ou bombés pour éviter toute perte d’échantillon. X125 BARRETTE 8X0,2ML PCR VIOLETVIOLET

Invitrogen™ Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

Convenient and reliable “hot start” thermostable DNA polymerase for PCR that provides enhanced specificity over that of Taq DNA Polymerase PLATINUM TAQ DNA POLPlatinum ADN Polymérase

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Cap Strips

Tight seal minimizes evaporation and contamination FG,OPTICAL CAP (8 CAPS/STRIPS)For Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Thermo Scientific™ ADN polymérase DreamTaq Green

Thermo Scientific DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2X) is a ready-to-use solution containing DreamTaq DNA Polymerase, optimized DreamTaq Green buffer, MgCl2, and dNTPs. 1000RXN DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix 20 X 1,25 mL

Applied Biosystems™ SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

Everything needed for SYBR™ Green dye–based PCR amplification and detection in a convenient, single-tube format. TF,5X200RXN SYBR GREEN PCR MMFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with

Invitrogen™ Oligo(dT) 12-18 Primer

Primer is suitable for use in first-strand cDNA synthesis with reverse transcriptase Oligo(dT)12 18 Primer, 25 µgFor Research Use Only. All usage must comply with
