Fournitures de nettoyage

Laboratoires Anios™ Désinfection nettoyante Surfa Safe™ Premium

Patented and formulated janitorial surface cleaning solutions that are ideal for cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, equipment and external structures of non-submersible and non-invasive medical devices. 750ML SURFA SAFE PREMIUM

Laboratoires Anios™ Savon doux Aniosafe™ Manuclear HF

Biodegradable, non-allergenic, gentle cleansing solution without allergenic substances, with a moisturizing character that is ideal for frequent washing in hospitals and laboratories. X12 ANIOSAFE MANUCLEAR HF 500ML

Laboratoires Anios™ Pulvérisateur désinfectant et nettoyant Anioxy-WS

This ready-to-use disinfectant cleaner is ideal for the rapid cleaning and disinfection of non-immersible medical devices. X6 ANIOXY WS SPRAY 1L

Buerkle™ Bol stérilisable

En polypropylène pour offrir résistance et stabilité. Les bols en PP Buerkle™ sont conçus avec un large bord pour éviter tout risque de chute. Cuvette laboratoire PP, 10l

Laboratoires Anios™ Détergent désinfectant Surfanios™ Premium

Premium Surfanios disinfectant ideal for cleaning and disinfection of equipment including medical. X12 SURFANIOS PREMIUM 1L

Laboratoires Anios™ Désinfection nettoyante Surfa Safe™ Premium

Patented and formulated janitorial surface cleaning solutions that are ideal for cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, equipment and external structures of non-submersible and non-invasive medical devices. X12 SURFA SAFE PREMIUM 750ML

Cole-Parmer™ Solution de nettoyage Micro-Ninety™

Use this concentrated cleaning solution for critical applications. Cole-Parmer™ Micro-Ninety™ Cleaning Solution cleans glass, most metals, plastic, rubber, fabric and is safe for all ultrasonic cleaners. NETTOYANT MICRO 90, FLACON 1L

Garcin™ Détergent désinfectant Garcin™ Bactinyl

Use Garcin™ Bactinyl Disinfectant Detergent as a janitorial cleaner and disinfectant. Its active substances include peroxides, quaternary ammoniums and ethanol. BACTINYL PRET A L'EMPLOI BIDON 5L

Laboratoires Anios™ Crème protectrice pour la peau

Rich, non-greasy, fast acting, protective hand cream provides the essentials to protect hands. CREME PROTECTRICE CUTANEE

Buerkle™ Seaux de conditionnement

En polypropylène pour offrir résistance et durabilité. Les seaux de conditionnement Buerkle™ sont idéals pour transporter, conditionner et stocker toute une gamme de matériaux. Seaux demballage, PP blanc, 2 l, avec couvercle

Vitlab™ Seau en PEHD

En PEHD pour offrir résistance et durabilité. Les seaux en PEHD VITLab™ conviennent parfaitement au stockage et au transport de grands volumes de liquide. SEAU HDPE 5L

Laboratoires Anos™ Gel désinfectant Aniosgel™ Eighty-Five NPC

Hypoallergenic hand antiseptic gel ideal for hygienic treatment and antisepsis surgical hands. X20 ANIOSGEL 85 NPC FLACON 75 ML



Laboratoires Anios™ Détergent


Buerkle™ Seaux carrés, PE transparent, échelle, anse, 14 l .

Bucket for transporting bulky goods. Saves space, sturdy, easy to carry, available with lid. Seaux carrés, PE transparent, échelle, anse, 14 l

Micronova™ Sponge wipe Novacel absorbent, for lapping, polish

Sponge wipe Novacel absorbent, for lapping, polishing & wiping, soft & pliant once hydrated, chemica

Fisherbrand™ Dépoussiéreuse Dust'It™

Poire dépoussiérante puissante, élimine la poussière, les résidus et les saletés à l’aide de jets d’air à haute pression de grande précision. X3 SOUFFLEUR DUS-IT

Bochem™ Seaux gradués en acier inoxydable avec couvercle

En acier inox 18/10 SEAU ACIER INOX 18/8 15Lavec poignée

Micronova™ Savons et distributeur sans contact

Combines touch-free dispensing with no-hassle installation and easy change out of bottles X6 HandCare 500ML NovaClenz Waterless sanitizer60%ethyl alcohol pack/6

Micronova™ Chariot double seau et essoreuse Slim T™

Suitable for use with SlimLine™ and T-Mop™ Series and a variety of other mop heads. Optional Wringer available (19-121-802). Wringer controlled environment, to wring out

Gosselin™ Seau en polypropylène Gosselin™ avec couvercle et poignée

Excellent option for general storage in the laboratory. Gosselin™ Polypropylene Buckets with Handle are manufactured from white-colored polypropylene plastic. X45 SEAU PP 5,7L 188X210X195MM

ITW Chemische Produkte™ Mop Head Replacement

X150 MOP HEAD ALPHAMOP REPLACEMENT, WITH FOAMpads for mop system polyester 6 inner packs of 25

Cole-Parmer™ Solution de nettoyage Micro-Ninety™

Use this concentrated cleaning solution for critical applications. Cole-Parmer™ Micro-Ninety™ Cleaning Solution cleans glass, most metals, plastic, rubber, fabric and is safe for all ultrasonic cleaners. X12 Micro-90 Cleaning Solution 1L

Détergent Garcin™ Sanicid 5™

Use Garcin™ Sanicid 5™ Detergent is ideal for cleaning elementary spills and soil that occur in a laboratory. SANICID 5 INODORE BIDON 5L

Foamtec Stainless Steel Corrosion Remediation Kits

Enable technicians to quickly remediate corrosion using a polishing and cleaning process that is fully compatible with cleanroom operations KIT NETTOYAGE SURFACE SAHARA CORROSION SMALL

Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Blow-Hard™ O.S. Extra™ Dust Removing Spray

Fast and easy cleaning for hard-to-reach areas BLOW-HARD,O.S.EXTRA,DUST REMOVER
