Lionheartâ„¢ FX Automated Live Cell Imager with Augmented Microscopy


Buy a BioTek Lionheartâ„¢ FX and get a FREE Microscopy Starter Set

Lionheart FX Automated Live Cell Imager is an all-inclusive automated digital microscope for live cell biologists, capturing images and transforming them into intelligent information.

  • Automated digital microscopy with up to 100x magnification
  • Brightfield, colour brightfield, phase contrast and fluorescence with image and laser autofocus
  • Powerful Gen5 3.0 software with seamless image capture, annotation, analysis and movie maker, requiring no extensive training
  • Kinetic live cell assay support with temperature and CO2/O2 control, humidity and reagent injectors
  • Fully integrated and compact design offers quick installation and setup
  • Able to read 6 to 1536 well microplates
  • Supports microscope slides, petri and cell culture dishes, cell culture flasks (T25, T75), counting chambers (haemocytometers), chamber slides, and other labware up to 1.5 inches tall

Microscopy Starter Set includes:  1x GFP filter cube; 1x 465 nm LED cube; 1x 20x Olympus objective; 1x Upgrade to Gen5â„¢ Image+ Data Analysis Software.